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Management of Change Gareth Holsgrove February 2014.

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1 Management of Change Gareth Holsgrove February 2014

2 Management A manager is a person responsible for running all or part of a business or organization A manager must also be a leader

3 Management of change Factors in successful change management include: – The nature of the changes to be made – The impact of the proposed changes on: People involved Other people The organization

4 Management of change Nature of the changes – Usually to improve efficiency/save money – Might involve reducing staff and/or increasing workload

5 Management of change Nature of the changes – Can also be aimed at making work easier (eg reducing paperwork) – Or changing the management structure

6 Management of change Impact of the changes – On the people involved: More work to do/more responsibility Less support Less funding

7 Management of change Impact of the changes – On the people involved: Can be positive, negative or a combination of both Can also be seen as a threat and lead to antagonism and resistance

8 Management of change Impact of the changes – On other people (eg patients, carers, taxpayers): Might save time and money Might cost more time and money

9 Management of change Impact of the changes – On other people (eg patients, carers, taxpayers): Can be positive, negative or a combination of both Again, might be criticised and resisted

10 Management of change Impact of the changes – On the organization: Might make it more effective Might make it less effective

11 Management of change Impact of the changes – On the organization: Can be positive, negative or a combination of both

12 Management of change In the present-day NHS change might be: – National – Regional (eg Trusts) – Local (service)

13 Management of change So the reasons for and nature of changes can vary considerably, eg: – National changes: Usually political Local managers have practically no input

14 Management of change So the reasons for and nature of changes can vary considerably, eg: – Regional changes: Usually political/financial Local managers might have some input

15 Management of change So the reasons for and nature of changes can vary considerably, eg: – Local changes: Might be the consequences of national or regional changes Local managers will have some input

16 Management of change So the nature and impact of change can vary considerably The involvement of local managers in deciding on the changes can vary considerably

17 Management of change Therefore, local managers might be managing change that they contributed to, or that was imposed externally

18 Management of change Therefore, local managers might be managing change that they contributed to, or was imposed externally (and that they might disagree with!)

19 Management of change It is easier to manage change that you have contributed to formulating

20 Management of change So try to involve as many stakeholders as you can in discussing and formulating change So try to involve as many stakeholders as you can in discussing and formulating change

21 Management of change The interface between managers and the organization is important (Pettigrew, 1985; Tay and Heracleous, 2001; Holsgrove, 2011)

22 Management of change So demanding change in an authoritarian manner is unlikely to succeed in the long run – LEAD the team, don’t bully them! So demanding change in an authoritarian manner is unlikely to succeed in the long run – LEAD the team, don’t bully them!

23 Management of change Change may bring advantages and disadvantages; threats and benefits

24 Management of change So try to generate enthusiasm about the benefits, but recognise and respond appropriately to the threats So try to generate enthusiasm about the benefits, but recognise and respond appropriately to the threats

25 Management of change Steps in the management of change: 1.Do your research – find out what is required and why (in local change, this might include consultation etc)

26 Management of change 2. Engage with the team: don’t be secretive don’t lie don’t spring unpleasant surprises

27 Management of change 3. Emphasise the advantages and benefits – generate enthusiasm

28 Management of change 4. Listen to and respond appropriately to concerns

29 Management of change 5. Try to take everybody with you

30 Management of change 5. Try to take everybody with you (in reality, you will probably not be able to do this, but at first you must try)

31 Management of change Dealing with individuals who are opposed to or resist the changes

32 Management of change a)Listen to their concerns and try to address them b)Explain the reasons and nature of the changes and that you need their support and co- operation

33 Management of change c)Consider giving them responsibility for some aspect(s) of the change d)If they agree to take responsibility SUPPORT THEM

34 Management of change If all else fails, sideline them to prevent them from jeopardising the whole project

35 Management of change If all else fails, sideline them to prevent them from jeopardising the whole project (NB – this is not what some older management books etc recommend, but it saves time and effort and it works! {Holsgrove, 2011})

36 Management of change Summary

37 Management of change Summary Change can be for national, regional or local reasons Most changes have both benefits and threats

38 Management of change Summary Threats can lead to antagonism, resistance and possibly confrontation this must be dealt with quickly and appropriately

39 Management of change Summary Involve as many stakeholders as possible LEAD the team, don’t bully them!

40 Management of change Summary Generate enthusiasm Delegate appropriately (more on this after the break)

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