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Epithelial Malignant Tumours of Maxillofacial Region Diagnostics Treatment and Complications. By: Dr Ahmeda Ali.

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Presentation on theme: "Epithelial Malignant Tumours of Maxillofacial Region Diagnostics Treatment and Complications. By: Dr Ahmeda Ali."— Presentation transcript:

1 Epithelial Malignant Tumours of Maxillofacial Region Diagnostics Treatment and Complications. By: Dr Ahmeda Ali

2 1.Purpose of the study: The aim of the study was to investigate whether there is a correlation pattern which links the presence of Epithelial Malignant tumours with presence of the risk factors of smoking and alcohol consumption. 2. Methods/summarized description of the project: This study is based on patient's records from the Department of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery at Jessenius Faculty of Medicine. There was a criterion which was included in this study for example, every patient had to be over the minimum age of eighteen, and that they were treated specifically at the oral and maxillofacial surgery department of Univerzita Nemocnice Martin. I gathered information and specific details from fifty patients records. These patients records were randomly selected, and these records were approximately from ten years old to today's current date. While observing the fifty patient records, I was investigating the different types of carcinoma based on localisation within the oral and maxillofacial region.

3 Additionally, I was investigating which was the most common gender that was affected by epithelial malignant tumours. Thirdly, I investigated to discover the correlation link between the consumption of alcohol and smoking status and the presence of epithelial malignant tumours. Finally, I investigated the treatment which was undergone by these specific fifty patients. The patients were translated from Slovak language to English language via kind help of another medical student.

4 3. Results: 84% of the patients selected were male gender and 16% were of female gender. The most common localisation of epithelial malignant tumour was at the side of the floor of the mouth. The least common localisation of epithelial malignant tumour was malignant melanoma of the skin which accounted for 2%. 50% of the patients were consumers of alcohol and 48% of the patients selected we smokers. 48% of the patients had undergone surgical treatment and 24% had undergone chemotherapy treatment. The third most common form of treatment was Radiotherapy and this was undergone by 22% of the patients selected.

5 4. Conclusions: In this study of 50 randomly selected patients there is a strong correlation between the patients who had a smoker status and alcohol consumers and the presence of Epithelial Malignant tumours of the oral and Maxillofacial region. I also found that the male gender was the most affected. The epithelial malignant tumours which was least commonly found as the malignant melanoma of the skin. The most common appearance on Histological examination for males was well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma and for females it was poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.

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