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Session #19 Reporting Student Financial Aid Data to IPEDS Elise Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "Session #19 Reporting Student Financial Aid Data to IPEDS Elise Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session #19 Reporting Student Financial Aid Data to IPEDS Elise Miller

2 What Is IPEDS? IPEDS is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. It is an annual data collection conducted by the Department’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) A system of interrelated surveys on enrollments, program completions, graduation rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices, and student financial aid IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs HEA requires that Title IV institutions participate or face fines or loss of program participation Data are made publicly available to students and parents through the College Navigator college search Web site and to researchers and others through the IPEDS Data Center

3 Why important? Reporting itself is important to meet program participation agreement and avoid fines Accurate data important to provide good info to students and parents via College Navigator Accurate data important to give good info to institution’s CEO/President via Data Feedback Report sent annually Accurate data important for use by: Congress, researchers, media, and many, many others

4 Compliance: Up to $27,500 fine per violation

5 Information for Students and Parents

6 Information for CEOs/Presidents

7 Data Used by Others

8 Who Is Responsible? IPEDS Keyholder –Coordinates all aspects of data submission at the institution level –Arranges for others at the institution to have access to the data collection system, if necessary –Work with other offices to compile the necessary data for submission You can obtain a username and password, too. Talk to your keyholder (IR or registrar)

9 New This Year Data collection opening earlier so you have more time to report HEOA required major changes to SFA both this year and last year

10 This Year’s Schedule Surveys Fall Enrollment Finance Student Financial Aid Graduation Rates Graduation Rates 200 Collection openDecember 2 Keyholder closeApril 14 Coordinator closeApril 28

11 New Data for HEOA Report data for 4 groups of students: –Group 1: All undergraduates [ New! last year] –Group 2: Of Group 1, full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking students –Group 3: Of Group 2, students who received grant/scholarship aid [ New! this year for net price] –Group 4: Of Group 2, students who received Title IV loan and/or grant aid [ New! this year for net price] Groups 3 and 4 for PUBLIC institutions are students paying in-state or in-district tuition rate

12 Getting Started:

13 IPEDS Data Provider Center

14 Part A: Establish Your 4 Groups

15 Parts B C D E

16 D ATA ON G ROUP 1 (All undergraduates) Aid TypeNumber of students receiving aid % of students receiving aid Total amount received by students Average amount received by students Grant or scholarship from Federal, state, local, institution, or other known sources  calculated  Pell grants  calculated  Federal student loans  calculated 

17 D ATA ON G ROUP 2 (full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking students) Types of aidNumber of students receiving aid % of students receiving aid Total $ received by students Average amount received PY average amount All grants/ scholarships from Federal, state, local governments, or the institution  CalculatedCalculated = All fed grants+ State/local grants + Institution grants (from below) CalculatedPre-loaded All federal grants  CalculatedCalculated =Pell + Other (below) CalculatedPre-loaded -Pell Grants  Calculated  Pre-loaded -Other grants  Calculated  Pre-loaded State/local  Calculated  Pre-loaded Institution  Calculated  Pre-loaded All Loans  CalculatedCalculated =Fed + Other (below) CalculatedPre-loaded -Federal loans  Calculated  Pre-loaded -Other loans  Calculated  Pre-loaded

18 DATA on GROUP 3 (Of Group 2, students who received grant/scholarship aid) Three aid years: 2008-09, 2007-08, 2006-07 Number of students in group who received grant/scholarship aid Living arrangements (on campus, off with family, off not with family) Total amount of grant/scholarship aid received Used to calculate net price

19 DATA on GROUP 3 (Of Group 2, students who received grant/scholarship aid) 2008-092007-082006-07 Number in Group 3Pre-loaded from establish groups screen  - # living on campus  - # living off-campus w/family  - # living off-campus not with family  Unknown living arrangement  Total grants/scholarships received from governments and the institution  Average grant/scholarship received from gov’ts and the institution Calculated

20 D ATA ON G ROUP 4 (Of Group 2, students who received Title IV loan and/or grant aid) –One aid year, 2008-09 (1 additional year will be added and preloaded in each of next 2 years until there are 3 aid years) –Living arrangements (on campus, off with family, off not with family) –Number of students and total amount of grant/scholarship aid received, by income categories –Used to calculate net price by income category

21 D ATA ON G ROUP 4 (Of Group 2, students who received Title IV loan and/or grant aid) Income levelNumber of students receiving grant/ scholarship aid Total amount of grant/ scholarship aid received Average amount of grant/ scholarship aid received $0-30,000  Calculated $30,001-48,000  Calculated $48,001-75,000  Calculated $75,001-110,000  Calculated $110,001 or more  Calculated

22 New! Worksheets Will show calculation of net price for Group 3 and net price by income for Group 4 Context boxes available; will be posted on College Navigator

23 Context Boxes Context boxes allow respondents to provide contextual information about the data reported Context boxes are optional Text in many Context boxes are published on College Navigator

24 Resources If do not have a log in: –Help Desk –Training –Data Provider Center: Survey materials (forms, instructions, glossary, FAQs, narrative edits, import specifications) Additionally, if you do have log-in: –Access to data collection system and survey screens –Links to glossary terms within survey screens

25 IPEDS Help Desk Phone: 1-877-225-2568 E-mail:

26 AIR Training:


28 IPEDS Data Provider Center

29 29 Contact Information We appreciate your feedback and comments. We can be reached at: Phone:202.502.7318 Email:

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