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GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Presentation by Donna Brazile Brazile and Associates, LLC March 17, 2011 “ Keys to Successful Campaigns, Tools and Techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Presentation by Donna Brazile Brazile and Associates, LLC March 17, 2011 “ Keys to Successful Campaigns, Tools and Techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Presentation by Donna Brazile Brazile and Associates, LLC March 17, 2011 “ Keys to Successful Campaigns, Tools and Techniques to Succeed ” 1

2 Role of Campaign Manager The campaign manager is responsible for developing the overall campaign strategy, message, budget and staff management. 2

3 Campaign Manager Works with Consultants Media Pollster Others Direct Mail Legal 3

4 Sample Campaign Structure (U.S. Congressional Model) AdministrationField DirectorFinance Director Press Secretary Scheduler Research Director Spouse, Family & Friends CANDIDATE The administration of a campaign handles the accounting, staff records, information systems and general office management. The field director is responsible for identifying the persuadable and base voters, and getting them to the polls on election day. Campaign Manager The campaign manager is responsible for developing the overall campaign strategy, message, budget and staff management. Consultants: Media Pollster Direct Mail Legal Others The finance director is responsible for identifying, cultivating and accessing the finance committee and donor prospects. The press secretary is responsible for communications on the campaign. She is often the spokesperson and id’s and cultivates earned media opportunities The scheduler is responsible for organizing, maximizing and prioritizing the candidate’s time through the campaign schedule. The research director is responsible for determining and analyzing issues of central importance to the campaign. 4

5 Key Concepts 1.Stump Speech = Standard speech developed early in the campaign delivering the campaigns message. 2.Swing Voters = Persuadable voters who could ‘swing’ your way on election day. 3.Tracking Poll = Brief survey conducted to gauge movement in voters attitudes after paid and earned media. Used to determine where stand at that given time and how your message is resonating with voters. 4.Week One = Counting backwards, the length of time (in weeks) until Election Day (i.e.. Week Two is 2 weeks before Election Day) 5

6 Kitchen Cabinet Spouse Family Friends of candidate This group of advisors is often called ‘The Kitchen Cabinet’ 6

7 Strategic Goals Who Gets Hired first? Each Campaign’s Unique Needs Drive the Order that Staff are Hired  Typically, the first person on board a campaign is the Finance Director, who will do everything in the early days until enough money is raised to pay for staff, consultants, travel, polling and other operations.  Research is an important, early activity and often an early hire in a campaign to ensure we know everything about candidate and opposition.  Consultants should be hired next to help refine campaign strategy 7

8 Three Things Matter in Campaigns BodiesMoneyMessage 8

9 Every campaign must have a lawyer to ensure compliance with election laws Compliance Matters 9

10 Campaign Strategy Drives Next Round of Hires If the campaign has an early and large field component (Grassroots), then the Field Director is the next hire If the campaign is relying on earned media or using social media to get their early message out, then a Press Secretary is the next hire If the campaign will need to spend a lot of money on television, additional finance staff may be hired early in the race 10

11 CONSISTENCY OF MESSAGE & STRATEGY Pre-LaunchCampaignElection Day 11

12 Odds and Ends The Past: Top Down & Centralized Control Television is Everything Political Establishment & Conventional Wisdom Rule 12

13 The Future Technology & the Internet 1.Faster Instantaneous Mass Communication Instantaneous Access to Data Access to Sweat of Crowds / Power of the Many 2.More Efficient Personal Getting Around Traditional Media Databases Online to Offline 3.Cheaper Media Points vs. Stamps 13

14 Conclusion The Lessons: Harnessing Public Opinion BIG NEW RULE #1 Build a relationship, not a transaction. BIG RULE #2 Go where they are, not where you want them to be. BIG NEW RULE #3 Don’t be afraid to throw out the rule book and do it your way. 14

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