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Adaptive Ice Skating Program New program start-up information.

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1 Adaptive Ice Skating Program New program start-up information

2 What is SkateABLE™? ▪ Canada’s first and only adaptive skating program for physically and developmentally disabled children ▪ First skating organization to affiliate with Parasport Ontario and partner with Canadian Paralympic Committee ▪ Only skating organization with specially designed adaptive ice skating equipment, making it possible for any child to learn how to skate ▪ HIGH FIVE® registered for quality assurance

3 The percentage of children with a reported disability varies by province Source: Statistics Canada, 2001 Participation and Activity Limitation Survey

4 Children with Disabilities ▪ 51% do not enjoy taking part in PE lessons at school ▪ 70% said they wanted to do more sport ▪ 60% claim that either a lack of awareness of opportunities or a lack of available opportunities is what prevents them from taking part in a sport Source: English Federation of Disability Sport Report – Disabled People’s Lifestyle Report, September 2013 SkateABLE™ Participants Since 2013 % Autism9847.8 Downsyndrome4120.0 Cerebral Palsy104.8 Other5627.3

5 What are the community benefits ▪ Happy, healthy children ▪ Less strain on health care system ▪ Productive members of society ▪ More inclusive community ▪ All members can make a difference! Volunteer Benefits National certification Hands on experience Program backed by research Recognition program Impact a child’s life

6 What are the participant benefits Skater Benefits Learn a new skill Gain confidence & competence Set and achieve goals Make new friends Improve physical, social, and cognitive health

7 Bring SkateABLE™ to your Community

8 How to Get Started What’s IncludedWhat’s Needed ▪ A community “Champion” as main point of contact with SkateABLE™ head office ▪ A community college or university nearby ▪ Local agencies for children with disabilities nearby ▪ Program advertising ▪ Volunteer recruitment, screening, and training ▪ Program starter kit/supplies/manuals ▪ Adaptive equipment ▪ Fundraising tools ▪ On-going support

9 Adaptive Skating Equipment

10 Fundraising & Community Awareness Skate –A-Thon Lollipop Sales Silent Auction

11 Testimonials and Success Stories ▪ Our 5-year-old son loved the SkateABLE™ program. He gained so much confidence on the ice, completely due to the one on one assistance he received, along with all of the assistive devices that were available for him to use. – A. Stuebing ▪ I never thought Sara could learn to skate with her disability. She was so happy to be able to skate with her dad and brother instead of watching from the sidelines. I can't thank you all enough. - J. Kim  When I took Hannah to her first lesson it was amazing to see all of the other children with special needs given one on one help. I sat on and watched as the children went through the program and could see how much fun everyone was having while learning to skate. These programs mean so much to families of special needs children, the instructors were well experienced and motivating for the children, they learned, exercised, were social and had fun all at the same time (what more could you ask for). - B. Felker

12 Send us your interest We’d love to hear from you. Let us know how you’d like to become involved with SkateABLE™. We are always looking for volunteers:  Coaches  Program Coordinators  Board Members  Fundraising/Events Committee Members  Community Ambassadors Send us a message at

13 Our Partners

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