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Introduction to Geography By Arthur Getis Judith Getis Jerome D. Fellmann.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Geography By Arthur Getis Judith Getis Jerome D. Fellmann."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Geography By Arthur Getis Judith Getis Jerome D. Fellmann

2 Chapter 6 Population Geography

3 Overview §Population Growth §Some Population Definitions §The Demographic Transition §The Demographic Equation §World Population Distribution §Population Density

4 Overview (cont.) §Population Data and Projections §Population Controls §Population Prospects

5 Population Growth §Recent Increases and Projections §The Meaning of Large Numbers

6 Some Population Definitions §Birth Rates §Fertility Rates §Death Rates §Population Pyramids §Natural Increase §Doubling Times

7 The Demographic Transition §The Western Experience §A World Divided

8 The Demographic Equation §Population Relocation §Immigration Impacts

9 World Population Distribution §Northern Midlatitude Dominance §Major World Population Clusters §The Ecumene and Nonecumene

10 Population Density §Overpopulation §Urbanization

11 Population Data and Projections §Population Data §Population Projections

12 Population Controls §Malthus and Neo-Malthusianism §Fertility Control Resistance §Cornucopian Optimism

13 Population Prospects §Worldwide Fertility Declines §Implications of Demographic Momentum §The Aging of World Population

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