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Capacity and Cost model Kees van Berkel Mariëtte Vosmer Jerusalem, 21-24 July 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity and Cost model Kees van Berkel Mariëtte Vosmer Jerusalem, 21-24 July 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capacity and Cost model Kees van Berkel Mariëtte Vosmer Jerusalem, 21-24 July 2013

2 Capacity planning addressbound hours (AGU) = a) hours needed to conduct a survey (weight * sample) b) hours available for interview work (1350 / fte) interviewerbound hours (IGU) = hours available for training, hollidays, meetings, performance interview, illness etc. (working hours fte minus 1350)

3 Needed AGU = G * sample G = weight per address per survey p = estimated responsrate per survey per region (?) a = time needed for introduction (5 min) b = time needed for interviewing (?) c = time needed for round off (5 min) d = time needed for approach (5 min) e = time needed for administration (3 min) f = mean distance home address interviewer – address sample unit (9 km v.v.) v = mean speed by car (35 km/h) h = mean number of attempts (2.3) G = p (a + b + c) + d + e + f/v * h G = p (5 + b + 5) + 5 + 3 + 9/35 * 2.3 Capacity planning (2)

4 Time needed for approach and administration in region 1 attemptsaddressesadmin.time approach time per addrtotal per addrtotal abs%min 0 142 610,0 0,6 0,0 1 928 710,0 3,7 7,0 2,6 2 6902712,0 3,212,0 3,2 3 4021614,0 2,217,0 2,7 4 191 816, 0 1,322,0 1,8 5 87 318,0 0,527,0 0,8 >=6 87 320, 0 0,632,0 1,0 total2527 12,212,1

5 Mean distance per region 2005-2009 Region2005/2006200720082009 km/addrkm/attempt 120,511,610,27,9 222,111,610,67,6 322,910,78,76,7 418,08,77,55,2 511,82,6 2,0 614,36,86,54,9 713,16,33,64,9 811,34,64,42,9 910,75,04,42,6 1023,111,19,57,5 1114,47,16,44,3 1223,010,39,76,7 1317,48,49,06,0 totaal17,68,07,25,2

6 RegionLSFHealthPoliceHESHous (t)Hous (e)CultCh 1818370134867998 2818366124888098 3747763121817490 474 61110767088 575776697757188 6798068122827695 7777864110817592 8747360116787186 9757362114787285 10778065110847794 11757662121797291 128285721138880101 13778268124857797 total777965118817493 Weight per survey per region

7 Needed AGU - example RegionLFSHealthCrimeHESHousingDCultCh 1654415335284021789323 2781219806064221690421 3794320628084602178426 4512612446202641481263 5586311697012133446246 6706616935343901648337 7501112143272201216262 8543811483883251911241 9562511924342512926264 10615215175532861785304 11670616403963871676359 12560614664932711503316 13691517265553471383375 total818071958369424238246324138

8 P roblems: - number of attempts depends on degree of urbanization - speed depends on degree of urbanization - distance between sample addresses depends on degree of urbanization Solution: - take into account the time needed per attempt per region - take into account the number of attempts per region - speed: distuinguish between regions - distance: distuinguish between regions S tandard approach strategy: max. 6 attempts or 7 if the 6th attempt results in appointment Capacity planning (3)

9 - Needed AGU tuned to allowed AGU on annual basis - Needed AGU tuned to allowed AGU on monthly basis - Needed AGU tuned to available AGU specific fieldwork periode - Allocation addresses to interviewers - Datacollection - Monitoring progress fieldwork - Evaluation planning versus realization Planning cycle

10 Fixed costs: independent of sample size - projectmanagement - sample design, drawing, adapting - questionnaire design, programme, test - training interviewers Variable costs: dependent of sample size - datacollection: working hours and travelling costs, interviewers, postal charges, printercosts etc. Cost model

11 Cost model - parameters  sample size  respons chance(s)  mode(s)  availability telephone numbers  weight per address (capi – cati)  training interviewers, staff  number of papi-questionnaires  number of enveloppes  number of letters (initial, rappels)  digitalize papi-questionnaires

12 Costs AGU on annual basis - example surveyssampleneededcost recovered base funded sizefteexternintern request alloweddeficit LFS 63750 60,6 4,256,4 Health 14922 14,5 0,114,4 Crime 6400 5,14,7 0,4 HES 2160 3,1 HousingD 18316 18,2 CultCh 2676 3,1 Total108224104,725,64,7 74,469,9-4,5

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