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History 17C The American People, World War I to the Present.

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Presentation on theme: "History 17C The American People, World War I to the Present."— Presentation transcript:

1 History 17C The American People, World War I to the Present

2 The Cold War and the Red Scare

3 Themes: US Cold War policies were deeply rooted in a desire to maintain economic prosperity at home

4 Themes: US domestic politics, in turn, were profoundly distorted by the events of Cold War

5 Situation by fall of 1945: Germany and Japan totally defeated in WWII

6 Situation by fall of 1945: Germany and Japan totally defeated in WWII

7 Situation by fall of 1945: US sole possessor of atom bomb

8 Situation by fall of 1945: Germany under US, British, French, and Soviet occupation

9 April 1945— Roosevelt had died and been succeeded by Harry Truman

10 Harry S. Truman 1945-1953

11 Summer 1945—United Nations launched in San Francisco

12 Eastern Europe Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin meeting at Yalta, February 1945

13 Eastern Europe Imposition of pro-Soviet Regimes, 1945-1949

14 Western Europe Seen as vital to maintaining U.S. prosperity

15 Western Europe Severe Economic Crisis, 1946-1947

16 Western Europe Seen as vital to maintaining U.S. prosperity

17 1947—Secretary of State George Marshall proposed “Marshall Plan” for recovery of Europe

18 1947—Secretary of State George Marshall proposed “Marshall Plan” for recovery of Europe Marshall Plan was rejected by Soviet and Eastern European governments

19 Western Europe Marshall Plan—totaling $13.5 billion, 1948-1952

20 Western Europe

21 1948— In Italian elections, Palmiro Togliatti (Communist) ran against Alcide De Gasperi (Christian Democrat) Togliatti De Gasperi

22 1948— In Italian elections, Palmiro Togliatti (Communist) ran against Alcide De Gasperi (Christian Democrat) Togliatti De Gasperi CIA covertly supported De Gasperi, who won election

23 Allied Occupation of Germany

24 ... leading to political division of Germany

25 ... and of Berlin

26 1949—Founding of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (United States, Canada, Britain, France, Italy, and several other Western European nations)


28 Truman and Marshall


30 Shock #1: The “Loss” of China, 1949 Chiang Kai-shek Three shocks of 1949-1950: Mao Tse-tung

31 Shock #1: The “Loss” of China, 1949 Three shocks of 1949-1950:

32 Secretary of State Dean Acheson

33 Shock #2: Soviet detonation of atom bomb Three shocks of 1949-1950:

34 Shock #2: Soviet detonation of atom bomb Three shocks of 1949-1950: Pushing US to develop hydrogen bomb

35 Shock #3: Korean War Three shocks of 1949-1950:

36 Since 1945 Korea had been divided at 38th Parallel; Syngman Rhee (pro-US) in South, Kim Il Sung (pro-Soviet) in North

37 Korean War Syngman Rhee Kim Il-sung

38 Approached Mao Tse-tung Kim Il-sung sought to reunify Korea under his control

39 Approached Mao Tse-tung... and Stalin Kim Il-sung sought to reunify Korea under his control

40 June 1950—North Korean forces attacked across 38th Parallel

41 Gen. Douglas MacArthur

42 Summer 1950— US/UN forces recaptured southern part of peninsula

43 Summer/Fall 1950—MacArthur convinced Truman North Korean regime could and should be destroyed

44 Fall 1950—Chinese forces crossed Yalu River, dealing disastrous defeat to US/UN forces

45 Early 1951—US/UN forces pushed their way back up to 38th Parallel

46 1951—Truman relieved MacArthur of command, sought truce in war

47 Anti-Truman cartoon, 1951

48 1952 Presidential Election Dwight D. Eisenhower

49 1952 Presidential Election Dwight D. Eisenhower Adlai Stevenson

50 Red Scare 1947—House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) investigated “Hollywood Ten”

51 1948—HUAC targeted Alger Hiss Whittaker Chambers Alger Hiss

52 Richard M. Nixon

53 Joseph McCarthy

54 Early 1950—Senator McCarthy accused Truman administration of harboring communists

55 McCarthy Math: 285 State Department Employees Investigated

56 McCarthy Math: 285 State Department Employees Investigated — 79 Terminated

57 McCarthy Math: 285 State Department Employees Investigated — 79 Terminated ________________________________________________________ =205 Communists in State Department

58 McCarthy Math: 285 State Department Employees Investigated — 79 Terminated ________________________________________________________ =205 Communists in State Department


60 1950—Ethel and Julius Rosenberg accused of spying

61 1953—Both Rosenbergs executed

62 Eisenhower and McCarthy

63 Eisenhower and Marshall

64 1954—Army-McCarthy Hearings were televised, causing McCarthy to lose public support


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