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Assessment Without Levels St John’s C of E Primary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Without Levels St John’s C of E Primary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment Without Levels St John’s C of E Primary School

2 New National Curriculum September 2014 Age Related Standards Levels: 1c 1b 1a 2c 2b 2a 3c 3b 3a 4c 4b 4a 5c 5b 5a 6c Age Related Standards Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

3 So why have levels disappeared?

4 Age Related Standards For each year group there will be steps children will need to achieve: 1.Beginning 2.Beginning (+) 3.Within 4.Within (+) 5.Secure 6.Secure (+) Children working below the National Curriculum for their year group will work towards the year group/s below. By the end of the year the expectation will be that the majority of pupils will achieve ‘Secure’ and a small number of pupils will exceed these steps.

5 Statements Tracking Grid


7 Teachers and students will continuously assess and evaluate the learning and progress within lessons. Pupils will learn to self and peer assess and teachers will become skilled at knowing exactly what children need to learn next, how they learn and how to address gaps in learning. Teachers and pupils will give feedback on the quality of work and what they can do to move to the next step or to improve work.

8 Key Stage 1 The DfE expects the majority of children to reach the assessment point of Year 2 WITHIN/UPPER WITHIN. As an aspirational school St John’s has an expectation that a good number of children will reach the assessment point of Year 2 ABOVE. On occasion some children will reach the assessment point of Year 2 BELOW and some Year 1 BELOW/WITHIN/ABOVE should a learning difficulty be diagnosed.

9 Key Stage 2 Lots of you may have heard of the expression ‘Secondary Ready’ as the standard children must achieve by the end of Year 6. The DfE have slightly distanced themselves from this phrase and are talking about children reaching the assessment point of Year 6 WITHIN/UPPER WITHIN. Similar to Year 2 we have aspirations that a good number of our pupils will reach the assessment point of Year 6 ABOVE and some children will be Year 6 BELOW. There may also be a small number of children who are still working at a lower level e.g. Year 4/5 BELOW/WITHIN/ABOVE.

10 Assessing Without Levels The biggest difference is how we will talk to you about how your child is progressing during the year. With the old National Curriculum levels, each year children were given a target for the end of the year, and during the year we would tell you what National Curriculum level your child was at. Reports will now show where your child is working at in their year group bands


12 Pupil Progress Meetings As teachers continuously assess pupil progress the attainment and progress is analysed by the DHT and SEND leader. Meeting are held with the class teacher where every child is discussed individually and actions considered for moving the children forward. Progress and attainment is carefully monitored and fed back to governors and staff so that interventions where necessary are planned. Or changes to the curriculum or teaching an learning methods are discussed at Achievement team meetings.

13 Achievement for all

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