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Published byRudolph Turner Modified over 8 years ago
graffiti chunk: graf-fit-i (i= /long e/) drawings on public surfaces, usually without permission The mayor said that the building was ruined by graffiti.
overlooked chunk: over-look-ed had a view over The house high on the hill overlooked the smaller houses in the valley.
rebuilt prefix + base word: re + built made changes, built again The neighbors came together and rebuilt Mr. Chan’s home after the fire destroyed it.
public chunk: pub-lic open to all The public library is open more hours than the school library.
foreigners chunk: for-eign-ers (eign= / in/ ) people outside their own country The foreigners wanted to visit many historic places before they returned to their own country.
performed base word + ending: perform + ed played, presented, acted Tasha performed in the school play, Cinderella.
communicating base word + ending: communicat(e) + ing Jeremiah maintained his friendship with Violet by communicating with her through e-mail.
stadiums chunk: sta-di-ums (a= /long a/) large open buildings made for audiences to view games or other events Ronnie’s goal is to visit all the different baseball stadiums in the United States.
A young man named Raul visited a dry, hot spot in Arizona. The sun was bright, and it beat down on the soft, pale sand. Raul began to sweat. There were no animals or birds anywhere in sight. There was no water, only tumbleweeds and tall cactuses. Ten years later, Raul took his young son to visit the same area. It was very hot. Birds sat on the cactuses, and small animals scurried around. This time, Raul saw a small pool of water. He saw more tumbleweeds and cactuses than on his first visit.
TEAM TALK- DAY ONE 1. Which of the following is the main idea for page 8? (WRITE) A. In ancient Rome, people dumped their trash on the streets. B. People in ancient Rome did not like living in the city. C. Most people in ancient Rome lived in small apartments. D. Rich Romans lived in houses with atriums. Support your answer. 2. Why were olives an important crop in ancient Rome? 3. Explain how country living in ancient Rome was different from country living in Italy today. (WRITE)
PARTNER READING-DAY ONE READ PAGES 8-9 ALOUD WITH PARTNERS EXTENDER QUESTION If you lived in ancient Rome, would you rather live in the city or in the country? Why?
VOCABULARY Choose a word from the list to use in a meaningful sentence. graffitiforeigners publiccommunicating overlookedperformed rebuiltstadiums
ADVENTURES IN WRITING Imagine that you have a chance to meet someone who lived in ancient Rome. Write at least three questions you would ask that person in an interview. Then use your text to help you think of answers the Roman might give. Keep in mind that you should write the questions and answers as if they are being spoken.
TWO MINUTE EDIT Wigz were populer with rich,roman women The wigs were either blonde or black? (5)
TWO MINUTE EDIT ANSWERS Wigz were populer with rich,roman women. The wigs were either blonde or black? (5)
TEAM TALK-DAY TWO 1. How do we know how the ancient Romans dressed and looked? 2. Write a question for your classmates from the section titled “Food.” 3. How were the schools in ancient Rome different from the schools in Italy today?
PARTNER READING-DAY TWO Read pages 12-13 aloud with your partner. EXTENDER- What food is Italy famous for today?
VOCABULARY Choose a word from the list to use in a meaningful sentence. graffitiforeigners public communicating overlookedperformed rebuiltstadiums REMEMBER TO USE A NEW WORD!
ADVENTURES IN WRITING-DAY TWO Remember that when you write your interview questions and answers, they should sound natural, as if they were spoken. For example, my first question might be “So Prince Nicholas, what do you like best about living in Rome?” Then, for an answer, I might write, “Well, I love the delicious food the best!”
TWO MINUTE EDIT-DAY THREE The colosseum be a huge theater in Roam. Over 50000 peepul cud sit in it! (6)
TWO MINUTE EDIT-DAY THREE The colosseum be a huge theater in Roam. Over 50000 peepul cud sit in it! (6)
TEAM TALK-DAY THREE 1. Which of the following is an opinion from the text? a. Some baths had their own libraries, gardens, and art collections. b. The baths built by the emperors were the biggest and best. c. Some of the largest baths are used as museums and concert halls. d. The baths were open to everyone-even slaves and foreigners. 2. Why are movies an important part of Rome’s economy? (WRITE) 3. How was theater in ancient Rome similar to theater in Italy today? (WRITE)
PARTNER READING-DAY THREE Read pages 16-17 aloud with your partner. EXTENDER Why do you think some western movies are called “spaghetti Westerns”?
VOCABULARY Choose a word from the list to use in a meaningful sentence. graffitiforeigners publiccommunicating overlookedperformed rebuiltstadiums REMEMBER TO USE A NEW WORD!
ADVENTURES IN WRITING Review the writing prompt. Have your partner edit your paper. Make the necessary corrections.
TWO MINUTE EDIT-DAY FOUR Training two bee a soldier was hard work. Most soldiers was in the army four years. (4)
TWO MINUTE EDIT-DAY FOUR Training two bee a soldier was hard work. Most soldiers was in the army four years.
ITALIANPRONUNCIATION ENGLISH Buon giornobwon zhor-no good morning Ciaochowhello Arrivedercioh –ree-vuh dehr-cheegood bye Per favorepehr fah-voh-reh please Graziegraht-zee-eh thank you Pregopreh-goh you’re welcome Scusiskoo-zee excuse me Andiamo!Ahn-dee-ah-mo Let’s go!
TEAM TALK- DAY FOUR 1. Were roads important in ancient Rome? Explain your answer. (WRITE) 2. What happened after an emperor died in Rome? A. The country voted for a new emperor. B. The prime minister became the next ruler. C. The emperor’s son usually became the next ruler. D. The country voted for a president. 3. How are leaders of Italy today different from the leaders of ancient Rome? (WRITE)
PARTNER READING-DAY FOUR Read pages 19-20 with your partner aloud. EXTENDER Do you think that Augustus was a good ruler? Why or why not?
VOCABULARY Choose a word from the list to use in a meaningful sentence. graffitiforeigners publiccommunicating overlookedperformed rebuiltstadiums REMEMBER TO USE A NEW WORD!
ADVENTURES IN WRITING Review the writing prompt. Make any needed revisions.
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