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Nower Hill High School Attendance and Punctuality.

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Presentation on theme: "Nower Hill High School Attendance and Punctuality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nower Hill High School Attendance and Punctuality

2 Why is good attendance important? Attending school is a legal requirement; For every 17 days absence from school a student can drop one GCSE grade; Nationally only 10% of pupils with poor attendance achieve 5 A* - C grades at GCSE compared to 58% of students with good attendance; 21% of students with very poor attendance leave school with no qualifications compared to 3% of students who have regular attendance.

3 MonTueWedThurFri ? What does 90% look like? 90% = ½ day missed each week!

4 Looking closer….. Looking closer….. 1 school year at 90% attendance = 4 whole weeks of lessons MISSED! 38 school weeks Sep July FEB ?

5 Even closer…… 90% attendance over 5 school years = ½ a school year missed! Sept July Y7 Y8 Y9 ½ a year absent from school Y10 Y11

6 This means… Your GCSE grades will be affected WHICH MEANS You may not be accepted into 6 th form, college or training course of your choice AND THEN You will find it difficult to get the job you want WHICH THEN MEANS Your potential salary will be greatly reduced.

7 Punctuality It is very important to be in school on time. You should be in your form room by 8.40am Late detention is held every day at break in C2. If your child is late she/he MUST attend. If you do not go to late detention then you will have a senior detention which will be a lot longer.

8 Doctor and Dentist appointments should be very early or after school where possible or during the holidays. You should not take holidays in term time. We will only authorise absence due to exceptional circumstances.

9 Authorised or Unauthorised? The school may authorise your absences if….  You have been sick;  It is for Religious observance;  You have been excluded;  There are exceptional circumstances such as a bereavement. If you are absent for any other reason it is likely that it will not be authorised. This includes family holidays!

10 Key Messages! It is never too late to improve your attendance. Good attendance = Good attainment. Good attainment = Future choices. Ask for help – there is always a solution!

11 AIM AIM is the Attendance Intervention Model in Harrow. The Local Authority have the power to fine or prosecute parents/carers if students have low attendance, poor punctuality or have any absence in term time which is unauthorised.

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