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Grammar Exercises & Practices On paper: Put your name and label Grammar Exercise #1 (you will put several on this paper)

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Exercises & Practices On paper: Put your name and label Grammar Exercise #1 (you will put several on this paper)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Exercises & Practices On paper: Put your name and label Grammar Exercise #1 (you will put several on this paper)

2 Grammar Ex. #1 The modern shopping mall was made possible by the automobile the growth of the suburbs and television advertising. Some consist of one long or angled building usually of one story dividing into several stores. To get from store to store in an open mall a customer must go outdoors. The enclosed mall is covered by a roof which can be eight stories tall. This type of mall is largely completely protected by the weather and temperature- controlled. The Mall of America located in Bloomington Minnesota was the largest shopping mall in the United States when it was built in the 1990’s…Malls have become all-purpose entertainment centers where a person may shop or eat or go to the movies.

3 Key To Grammar Ex. #1 The modern shopping mall was made possible by the automobile, the growth of the suburbs, and television advertising. Some consist of one long or angled building, usually of one story, dividing into several stores. To get from store to store in an open mall, a customer must go outdoors. The enclosed mall is covered by a roof which can be eight stories tall. This type of mall is largely, completely protected by the weather and temperature- controlled. The Mall of America, located in Bloomington, Minnesota, was the largest shopping mall in the United States when it was built in the 1990’s…Malls have become all-purpose entertainment centers where a person may shop or eat or go to the movies.

4 Meet the Appositive An appositive is a clause used to qualify (or further describe something already stated). *My father, an avid musician, started taking music theory classes on Saturday mornings. *Dr. Adera, my favorite college professor, was imprisoned and tortured with Nelson Mandela during the fight to end apartheid in South Africa.

5 Grammar Practice #1 Write a paragraph about a subject of your choice. Include at least four commas. You need at least one in a series, and one with an appositive. Your paragraph should be no shorter than five sentences in length. (Fifteen minutes)

6 First Block Stats *57% used 4 correctly (Way to go!) *25% used 3 correctly *11% used 2 correctly *7% Absent students Issues 14% no series, 14%, splice, 18% no appositive

7 Fifth Block Stats 4% absent 4% margin of error 4% 0 (all fragments) 28% - 3 commas correctly 60% - 4 commas correctly 16% -did not use appositive or one correctly 12% - comma splice

8 The Comma Splice—identity thief! Comma splices steal the identity of periods & semi-colons. Other issues noted: Who’s vs. whose = who is versus whose stuff? Patience vs. Patients

9 Grammar Ex. #2 Mountaineers climbing on ice slopes must bring the appropriate tools climbing ropes ice axes and metal spikes. They use the ropes in a rope harness that fits around climbers’ waists this protects them if they fall. The job of a belayer is to stand at the bottom of a cliff to keep tight the ropes connecting climbers and to pull in the slack yet surely the most important role is to prevent the climbers from falling. The World Book Encyclopedia explains “While advancing the lead climber inserts pieces of gear into the snow ice or cracks in the rock securing the rope to them with a snap link.” The lead climber belays the second climber the second climber reaches the top of the cliff the lead climber belays the third climber.

10 Key to Grammar #2 Mountaineers climbing on ice slopes must bring the appropriate tools: climbing ropes, ice axes, and metal spikes. They use the ropes in a rope harness that fits around climbers’ waists; this protects them if they fall. The job of a belayer is to stand at the bottom of a cliff, to keep tight the ropes connecting climbers, and to pull in the slack; yet, surely, the most important role is to prevent the climbers from falling. The World Book Encyclopedia explains: “While advancing, the lead climber inserts pieces of gear into the snow, ice, or cracks in the rock, securing the rope to them with a snap link.” The lead climber belays the second climber; the second climber reaches the top of the cliff; the lead climber belays the third climber.

11 Grammar Practice #2 If you were absent, DO IT NOW! Write a paragraph on a subject of your choice that includes the following: 1.At least 2 commas 2.At least 1 semi-colon 3.At least 1 colon 4.At least 1 transitional statement (diagnostic skill) *Underline your transitional statement. If you don’t understand the request, write that under your paragraph.

12 First Block Stats Absent: 7% Commas: 93% WAY TO GO! Semi-Colon: 77% (Still need some work) Colon: 50% (YIKES!) No transition 100% (Super YIKES!—but I know why )

13 Grammar Exercise #3 Page 38; exercise 12– you can do this in pairs or by yourself. Be prepared to share.

14 Grammar Practice #3 Write a paragraph about a time when you learned a lesson—be it big or small. Include at least one colon and two transitional statements. Number and underline your transitional statements.

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