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What does this word mean to biologists? Process of grouping things based on their similarities.

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4 What does this word mean to biologists?

5 Process of grouping things based on their similarities


7 a. To organize living things into groups so that the organisms are easier to study.

8 What does this word mean?

9 b.) Scientific study of how living things are classified Anatomy Botany

10 Geographical Address Continent Country State City Building Floor Apartment Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Taxonomy Address


12 Carolous (Carl) Linneaus 1707-1778 Swedish Botanist, Zoologist and Physician

13 Two word naming system developed by Carl Linneaus in the 1750’s

14 Bi- = Two -nomial = name

15 Genus

16 The first word in the scientific name.

17 Genus The first word in the scientific name. Contains similar, closely related organisms

18 Genus The first word in the scientific name. Contains similar, closely related organisms Example: Canis = Dog Panthera = Lions and Tigers

19 Genus The first word in the scientific name. Contains similar, closely related organisms Example: Canis = Dog Panthera = Lions and Tigers species

20 Genus The first word in the scientific name. Contains similar, closely related organisms Example: Canis = Dog Panthera = Lions and Tigers The second word in the scientific name species

21 Genus The first word in the scientific name. Contains similar, closely related organisms Example: Canis = Dog Panthera = Lions and Tigers The second word in the scientific name Describes a distinctive feature in an organism species

22 Genus The first word in the scientific name. Contains similar, closely related organisms Example: Canis = Dog, Wolf Panthera = Lions and Tigers The second word in the scientific name Describes a distinctive feature in an organism Is a group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce offspring that can also mate and reproduce species



25 The complete scientific name is written in italics or is underlined!!!

26 1. The complete scientific name is written in italics or is underlined!!! 2. Only the first letter of the first word in a scientific name is capitalized.

27 1. The complete scientific name is written in italics or is underlined!!! 2. Only the first letter of the first word in a scientific name is capitalized. 3. Scientific names use Latin because it is the only language that scientists used during that time. Homo sapiens



30 a) The more classification levels that two organisms share, the more characteristics they have in common.

31 1. Domain – highest level of organization

32 2. Kingdom

33 The Animal Kingdom

34 1. Domain – highest level of organization 2. Kingdom 3. Phylum (or phyla, which is plural)

35 1. Domain – highest level of organization 2. Kingdom 3. Phylum (or phyla, which is plural) 4. Class

36 1. Domain – highest level of organization 2. Kingdom 3. Phylum (or phyla, which is plural) 4. Class 5. Order

37 1. Domain – highest level of organization 2. Kingdom 3. Phylum (or phyla, which is plural) 4. Class 5. Order 6. Family

38 1. Domain – highest level of organization 2. Kingdom 3. Phylum (or phyla, which is plural) 4. Class 5. Order 6. Family 7. Genus

39 1. Domain – highest level of organization 2. Kingdom 3. Phylum (or phyla, which is plural) 4. Class 5. Order 6. Family 7. Genus 8. Species

40 1. Domain – highest level of organization 2. Kingdom – broadest category 3. Phylum – (or phyla, which is plural) 4. Class 5. Order 6. Family 7. Genus 8. Species – most specific category



43 1. Domain Did 2. Kingdom King 3. Phylum Peter 4. ClassCry 5. OrderOh 6. FamilyFor 7. GenusGoodness 8. SpeciesSakes

44 1. Domain Did 2. Kingdom King 3. Phylum Peter 4. ClassCry 5. OrderOh 6. FamilyFor 7. GenusGoodness 8. SpeciesSakes Did King Peter Cry Oh For Goodness Sakes!

45 History of Classification Scientists ScientistYearAccomplishment Aristotle5 AD First classify living things: two major groups... plants and animals. Plants were separated by (structure)... herbs, shrubs, and trees Animals were grouped as to where they, sea, or air. Theophrastus Classified plants: Size and kind of stems: herbs, shrubs, and trees John Ray Identified & classified 18,000 plants. 1st to use the term species. Carolus Linnaeus 1707- 1778 Swedish naturalist the "Father of Taxonomy" Developed the system by which we name organisms today.system Antoine Laurent de Jussieu 1707- 1836 A Frenchman, who Established the major subdivisions of the plant kingdom. Georges Leoplod Cuvier 1769- 1832 A Frenchman, who established major phyla, for the animal kingdom. Ernst Haeckel 1834- 1919 German who introduced the monera (bacteria) kingdom. Herbert F. Copeland 1902- 1968 American who reclassified all the microorganisms. All the nucleated microorganisms in the Kingdom protista. Robert H. Whitaker 1924- 1980 American who founded the five kingdom system. Elevating the fungi to kingdom status

46 Organisms are placed in domains and kingdoms

47 Based on their Organisms are placed in domains and kingdoms # of cells in their bodies ability to make food types of cells

48 There are 3 Domains


50 Bacteria

51 There are 3 Domains Bacteria Archaea (ahr KEE uh)

52 There are 3 Domains Bacteria Archaea (ahr KEE uh) Eukarya (you KA ree ah)

53 a) Prokaryotes – organisms whose cells lack a nucleus

54 1) Nucleus – dense area in a cell that has chemical instructions that directs the cell’s activities

55 a) Prokaryotes – organisms whose cells lack a nucleus 1) Nucleus – dense area in a cell that has chemical instructions that directs the cell’s activities Yogurt, inside your body Autotrophs and heterotrophs

56 Archaea are relatively newly discovered organisms. Archaea are simple cells that don't have nuclei. They resemble bacteria somewhat, but are mysteriously different. Their genetic makeup is unlike that of any creature we have seen to date. Scientists don't know too much about them.

57 Acidic mud pot in Yellowstone Park – home to the acidophile Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Credit: US National Park Service

58 Archaea are thought to be among the earliest terrestrial life-forms to have evolved, survivors from a time when the environment on Earth would have been too hostile to allow anything we recognize as living organisms to develop. At the same time, the features of archaea generally resemble the features of eukaryotes and bacteria more than they do each other.

59 The study of these organisms offers new hope of finding such primitive life-forms underground on Mars and possibly even Venus, as well as in any hydrothermal regions on the large moons of the outer planets MarsVenus

60 a) unicellular organisms that live in very extreme environments

61 b) some are autotrophs – make their own food

62 a) unicellular organisms that live in very extreme environments b) some are autotrophs – make their own food c) some are hetertrophs – rely on other organisms for food

63 a) unicellular organisms that live in very extreme environments b) some are autotrophs – make their own food c) some are hetertrophs – rely on other organisms for food d) Structure and chemical makeup is different from bacteria

64 1. Eukaryotes – organisms with cells that have a nucleus

65 1. Eukaryotes – organisms with cells containing nuclei 2. Classified into one of four kingdoms Protists Fungi Plants Animals

66 1) Sometimes called the odds and ends kingdom – not classified as a fungi, plant or animal 2) Some are heterotrophs, others are autotrophs 3) Example: Paramecium or amoeba Feed on bacteria and other small cells

67 All fungi are heterotrophs Mushrooms Molds Mildew

68 Autotrophs Provide food for heterotrophs Trees Flowers Dandelions

69 All are heterotrophs Have different adaptations that allow them to: Locate food Capture it Eat it Digest it Adaptation – any characteristic an organism has that makes it able to survive in its surroundings better

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