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Emissions: monitoring and data management

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1 Emissions: monitoring and data management
Foto zum Thema ... Emissions: monitoring and data management The Austrian experience

2 Content Data Gathering - The National System Quality Management
Data Management Reports

3 Indicators – Reporting requirements
CSI Indicator Title Data Sets/sources 1 Emissions of acidifying substances National emission ceilings inventory (Environment DG) Trends in emissions of acidifying pollutants (CLRTAP/EMEP) 2 Emission of ozone precursors Trends in emissions of ozone precursors (CLRTAP/EMEP) Trends in emissions of greenhouse gases (EEA sector classification and IPCC sector classification), UNFCCC National emission ceilings inventory 3 Emissions of primary particulates and secondary particulate precursors Trends in emissions of particulates (CLRTAP/EMEP) RAINS Model CAFE baseline PM10 emissions estimates (IIASA) National emissions ceilings inventory, Environment DG Mobile vs stationary sources, country specific reporting requirements

4 AUSTRIAN EMISSION INVENTORY Österreichische Luftschadstoff-Inventur (OLI)
Established in 1994; estimations of emission of SO2 started in 1978 under the UNECE/LRTAP Convention The inventory is prepared annually It comprises the greenhouse gases CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC and SF6, and the air pollutants SO2, NOx, NMVOC, NH3, CO, heavy metals (Cd, Hg, Pb), persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and particulate matter (TSP, PM10 & PM2.5) Is used as data base for fulfilment of national and inter-national reporting obligations Is subject to a continuous improvements process It is accredited since 2005 as Inspection Body for Emission Inventories according to ISO/EN17020. Currently about 550 sources, 6 greenhouse gases and 14 air pollutants time series 1980 – 2012 respectively

5 Austria’s National System
-> First established with a report submitted in 2006 (NISA) -> Changes at that time were included in the IIR/NIR -> Ensures the quality of estimating, reporting and archiving The Austrian National Inventory System (NISA) and its Quality Management System (QMS) covers both air pollutants and greenhouse gases.

EU ETS Data EU LCP Data EU WI Data EU FC Data EU IED data E-PRTR Data Submission under UNFCCC and under the Kyoto Protocol National Inventory Report (NIR) CRF Tables (Common Reporting Format) Submission under UNECE/LRTAP Informative Inventory Report (IIR) NFR Tables (Nomenclature for Reporting) EC GHG Monitoring Mechanism CRF Tables/Short-NIR Submission under EC NEC NFR Tables for NEC gases State-of-the-Environment Report (SoE report) Reports to the parliament Reports for the public UNFCCC + Kyoto Protocol UNECE/LRTAP + Protocols EU Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism Environmental Control Act (Federal Legal Gazette 1998/152) EU NEC Directive National System Quality Management System including Good Practice National Inventory System Austria (NISA) according to the Kyoto-Protocol, Article 5.1 Austrian Air Emission Inventory WI Waste incineration Verbrennung

7 Institutional arrangements I
Responsibilities UN EU Austria‘s reporting obligations Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Institutional arrangements I contract Environment Agency Austria coordination, data compilation, reporting Sector Experts Waste & Waste Treatment Project management Department for Climate Change Mitigation & Emission Inventories Industry & Power Plants Transport & Noise Emission Trading Registry Emissions & Climate Change

IIR project manager Methodological OLI project manager Technical NIR project manager Methodological sector expert Energy Transport Fugitives ─ CO2 ─ CH4 ─ N2O ─ HFCs ─ PFCs ─ SF6 ─ SO2 ─ NOx ─ NMVOC ─ NH3 ─ CO ─ Heavy metals ─ POPs ─ Particular matter Industrial Processes Solvents Agriculture LULUCF Waste collecting activity data, emission factors and other relevant information emission estimation NIR/IIR report (chapter) writing providing background data for CRF/NFR tables QA/QC procedures

Inventory compiling includes planning of how to distribute available resources (manpower, time,…), prioritization of planned improvements: Based on review findings etc. Preparation of the inventory includes three stages. I . nventory planning II preparation III management Inventory planning team timetable data sources key source analysis Inventory preparation collecting data emission estimation report writing QA/QC Inventory management data processing data storage & backup access authorization

Good Practice is a collection of methodological principals, actions and procedures intended to ensure that greenhouse gas inventories are accurate in the sense that they are systematically neither over nor underestimates so far as can be judged, and that uncertainties are reduced so far as possible. Good Practice covers choice of estimation methods appropriate to national circumstances, quality assurance and quality control at the national level, quantification of uncertainties and data archiving and reporting to promote transparency. (Source: IPCC Good Practice Guidance) It is good practice for the GHG inventory to be Transparent Accurate Consistent Comparable Complete on time

The core ‘database’ is based on Excel spreadsheets with VBA macros. The repository also stores all sector specific calculation sheets prepared by the inventory experts. all products (reports, tables) needed for UNECE/UNFCCC submissions . The repository (intranet server) includes ‘database’ and all calculation files (versions) are archived for each inventory (back to 2002) which allows tracing back all calculations. digital archive where all relevant data used for inventory preparation is stored; such as statistics, emission declarations, studies, relevant information, documents/reports relevant to inventory reviews. Another element required for a inventory QMS is a system for archiving.

Sector Data Sources for Activity Data Emission Calculation Energy Energy Balance from Statistik Austria; EU-ETS; Steam boiler database; Umweltbundesamt, plant operators Transport Energy Balance from Statistik Austria Umweltbundesamt (Aviation), Technical University Graz (Road and Off-road transport) Industry National production statistics, import/export statistics; EU-ETS; direct information from industry or associations of industry Emission factors based on national studies Solvent Short term statistics for trade and services Austrian foreign trade statistics Structural business statistics Surveys at companies and associations Umweltbundesamt, based on studies by: Institut für industrielle Ökologie and Forschungsinstitut für Energie und Umweltplanung, Wirtschaft und Marktanalysen GmbH*

Sector Data Sources for Activity Data Emission Calculation Agriculture National Studies, national agricultural statistics obtained from Statistik Austria; Umweltbundesamt, based on studies by: University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Research Center Seibersdorf LULUCF National forest inventory obtained from the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forest National agricultural statistics and land use statistics obtained from Statistik Austria Umweltbundesamt Waste Database on landfills run by the Umweltbundesamt ( ), Electronic Data Management operated by the BMLFUW (from 2008 on)

Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Data collection NIR / IIR preparation Archiving Spreadsheet development CRF/NFR tables data base management log, number all incoming data check data against previous years -check tables and numbers -Second person check Time series consistency sector/pollutant expert check Global check Explain large changes Database fuel totals-vs-National statistics Database-read only mass balance checks check database CRF/NFR output CRF/NFR totals check for large changes from previous year (recalculation) database files spreadsheet files source data manuals report use IEA data check units, time series consistency report inconsistencies back to statistics (NSI) transform Nace-CRF/NFR document on QA/QC methodology-online manual Ongoing/year-round activities Peer reviews review of emission factors

Important component of the Austrian National Inventory System is the quality management system (QMS) according to EN ISO/IEC Accreditation according to EN ISO/IEC provides evidence of an efficient quality management system; technical competence of the involved staff; independence, impartiality, and integrity of the involved staff. The requirements of EN ISO/IEC (Type A) are fulfilled. A Type A inspection body provides “third party” services.

NISA allows to prepare a high-quality emission inventories in which uncertainties are reduced as far as feasible and in which data are developed in a transparent, consistent, complete, comparable and accurate manner. Umweltbundesamt is the single national entity with overall responsibility for the national inventory Responsibilities for inventory planning, preparation and management are specified and allocated within the Umweltbundesamt The internal training plan of the Umweltbundesamt ensures the technical competence of the staff involved.

17 Data to Report – how is it done?
Data is calculated by sector experts following UNFCCC and EMEP/EEA guidelines Data is used for several reporting requirements Data needs to be easily available for different reporting requirements

18 Why do we need an air emission database ?
Central data collection, storage and computing assists to adhere to most of the „inventory rules“: transparency, consistency, completeness, comparability. Provide a link of detailed bottom-up data with reporting format (NFR) Avoid errors in data computing and data transfer Efficient data processing

19 Minimum requirements Data management Primary data Data dimensions
Activity (edit, add, delete) Primary data Activity rates, emissions, emission factors Data dimensions Activity Activity code (SNAP = technology specific nomenclature) Technology (optional) Fuel (optional) Reporting code (NFR, CRF) Pollutant Year Inventory version Reporting Aggregation of activities to NFR/CRF/SNAP categories NFR tables

20 Work/Data Flow Example of Inventory Preparation Process

21 Inventory Database – Main Functionality
Manage sources Add, edit, delete Data import QA/QC (completeness) Validation Data aggregation Calculate time series reports (tables) Handling of Notation Keys (e.g. for sources not reported) Reporting Excel tables generation (e.g. NFR) QA/QC Recalculation-information Basic outlier checks

22 Inventory Database - Content
Activity data (fuel consumption, process input material) Emission factors (constant or yearly) Emissions Additional background data Metadata, e.g.: Units Pollutants Nomenclatures: SNAP, IPCC, NFR Report tables Point source data Activity data Log message table (Administration-info)

23 Austrian System - Setup
Excel spreadsheets (tables) managed by VBA macros 1 set of tables for each inventory Size 550 area sources (by fuel type) Time series: 1980 to year-1 6 GHGs + 18 air pollutants Point sources External database (Access) Used for spatial inventory (Gridded data, NUTS 2) only Used for CLRTAP and UNFCCC Emissions are disaggregated to 9 federal states in a separate project (Bundesländerinventur) Gridded data was calculated by consultant

24 Austrian System – Activities (SNAP)

25 Austrian System – Activity Form

26 NFR time series – Example NOX(Gg)

27 Reporting Reports are uploaded via EIONET
CDR Repository is where data is stored by country and reporting obligation

28 CEIP Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections, hosted by UBA Collects emissions and projections, reviews inventories, prepares data sets, provides support Operates UNECE/EMEP emission database, which contains official emissions, emissions used in EMEP models, gridded emissions and large point sources, officially reported activity data Can also be used for reporting as alternative to EIONET

29 Reports Data collected and published, depending on the reporting requirements Publication of the report is announced via press conference Report is available on the website, a summary containing the most important information is sent out in a press release The most important graphics are also contained

30 Contact & Information Dr. Maria Purzner Tel. +43/1/31304 5624
Umweltbundesamt Monitoring, analyzing and reporting on air quality in Turkmenistan Ashgabat ■ 02/12/2014

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