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0 0 ChronologyCausality Contingency Contrasting Interpretations/ Authors Motivation Change & Continuity Over Time Empathy Significance/Influenced What?

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3 ChronologyCausality Contingency Contrasting Interpretations/ Authors Motivation Change & Continuity Over Time Empathy Significance/Influenced What?

4  The Great Pyramid in Giza constructed

5  Siddhartha Gautama takes his “Encounters of Life” (4 Sights)

6  Athenian Democracy  Pericles achieves a democracy giving people a voice in government

7  Alexander the Great Dies  His Generals became kings and founded dynasties of a once massive Empire

8  The 1 st Emperor Qin unifies China  Great Wall/Terra Cotta Tomb

9 221 China Unified 323 Alexander Dies 460 Democracy 33 Jesus Death 476 Rome Demise 610 Islam 0 0

10  Death of Jesus Christ  Christianity becomes a major world religion

11  Fall of the Roman Empire  Roman influence lasts for centuries

12  Mohammad has vision from Allah  Writes the Koran  Islam becomes a major religion

13  William The Conqueror Invades England  Brings Feudal System

14  Christopher Columbus  “Discovers” the New World  Start of European conquest for power

15  Martin Luther posts 95 Thesis  Reformation changes Christianity

16  Isaac Newton publishes Principia  Science changed forever

17  Colonists declare Independence from Britain  Declaration of Independence  Model for Revolutions

18  Women’s Suffrage Movement  Beginning of Minority/Civil Rights

19  US drops Atomic Bomb  Nuclear Age/Cold War

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