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U.S. as the world power 5-3.5 Summarize the reasons for the United States control of new territories as a result of the Spanish American War and the building.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. as the world power 5-3.5 Summarize the reasons for the United States control of new territories as a result of the Spanish American War and the building."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. as the world power 5-3.5 Summarize the reasons for the United States control of new territories as a result of the Spanish American War and the building of the Panama Canal, including the need for raw materials and new markets and competition with other world powers.

2 Economic Development in the late 19th century…
U.S. became a leading industrial producer This contributed to the nation’s rise as a world power Economic growth led many Americans to advocate for a larger role in the world in order to secure sources if raw materials and markets for the finished products from American markets. Many people believed the U.S. had a God-given right to expand across the seas (like the continent)

3 Manifest Destiny This new Manifest Destiny was also motivated by the missionary spirit and the idea of American superiority (Social Darwinism) as well as by economics (money) All of this led to the U.S. declaring war against Spain, in the American involvement in the Panamanian revolt, which led to the building of the Panama Canal and America in WWI

4 Spanish American War

5 Spanish American War Yellow journalism helped convince the American public to go to war against Spain It made the public believe the US was saving Cuba from harsh treatment from Spain However, the decision of President McKinley to ask Congress to go to war on Spain was based on… American economic interest in Cuba Humanitarian concern for the Cuban people Show the world American power

6 Annexation of Territories
At the start of the war, the US had no intention of annexing Cuba. However, the US quickly annexed Hawaii, where a revolt led by American businessmen had already overthrown the Hawaiian queen. The U.S. saw Hawaii as a good fueling stop on the way to China markets The Spanish American war started with the takeover of the Manila harbor in the Philippines. The Philippines was an ideal location to access the markets of China.

7 Hawaii Philippians

8 What the US Gained The Spanish in Cuba were quickly defeated and a treaty was negotiated by the executive branch and ratified by the Senate that granted the U.S. control of Spanish territories including Guam, the Philippines and Puerto Rico. Philippines was kept as a territory until the end of WWII (with resistance from Filipinos) Cuba was occupied by American forces for more than 30 years. The U.S secured a naval base on the island of Cuba Hawaii was admitted as our 50th state The US continues to control Guam and Puerto Rico today

9 Panama Canal The US played a significant role in the revolution in Panama. Since the California Gold Rush, Americans wanted a quick ocean route from the east coast to the west coast. The desire to expand trade with the Far East intensified this desire

10 Panama Canal President Roosevelt offered Columbia, which controlled the Isthmus of Panama, money for the right to build a canal. Columbia rejected. A few Panamanians organized a bloodless revolt using American gunboats and later signed an agreement with the US allowing the US to lease the isthmus and build the canal. The Canal allowed American commercial and war ships to travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific more quickly and contributed to America’s commercial and military might and image as a world power.

11 Past-Present

12 Red: before Panama Canal
Blue: after Panama Canal

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