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Online Instant Messaging Chat Rooms Social Networks Internet Surfing Mobile Phones Gaming Sharing Files Uploading Videos.

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2 Online Instant Messaging Chat Rooms Social Networks Internet Surfing Mobile Phones Gaming Sharing Files Uploading Videos

3 Cyber-bullying Affects lives 24/7 Large audience Anonymous Good evidence Criminal offence ??

4 Joe’s Story Video

5 What to do Block / delete Report – service provider/ CEOP Save evidence Don’t retaliate Inform school Inform police if the situation requires

6 Online Grooming Gain/ build TRUST Online/ offline 24/7 Getting to know you Flattery/ promises/ gifts - control WHO IS IT YOUR CHILD IS TALKING TO ??

7 Inappropriate websites Around 90 % of the internet is pornographic material. Free software is available to assist with parental settings online Use search engine for help/assistance

8 Webcams Skype Facebook chat Viber

9 The Rules Don’t share personal information Set Privacy Settings HIGH Passwords Use Reputable sites Block, Delete, Report Never Meet Up Don’t Open Remember – it’s a Public Space Save the Evidence Stay Safe

10 Online reputation Don’t put anything online you wouldn’t show your boss or family Job application Uni/ college application

11 Who can help ? CEOP website Service provider Parents Teachers Police

12 More Info ? CEOP- Think you know Lancashire Constabulary- Trust-Ed Childline

13 Questions ???

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