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Grading in finnish HEIs Tommi Haapaniemi Silja Kostia.

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1 Grading in finnish HEIs Tommi Haapaniemi Silja Kostia


3 Universities Act “A student has the right to obtain information about the application of assessment criteria to his/her study attainment. He/she shall be given an opportunity to see the assessed written or otherwise recorded study attainment. Written and otherwise recorded study attainments must be retained for a minimum of six months from the publication of the results”

4 Appeal procedure A student dissatisfied with the grading of a doctoral dissertation, a licentiate thesis or a corresponding study attainment may apply for a rectification of the grading from an administrative body designated by the university within 14 days of receiving the notification of the decision A student dissatisfied with the grading of a study attainment …or with the recognition of studies completed elsewhere or of prior knowledge demonstrated in some other manner may apply for a rectification of the grading orally or in writing from the teacher who made the grading decision as regards grading and from the person who made the decision on recognition as regards recognition of prior studies. The rectification request must be made within 14 days of the date on which the information about the grades and the application of the assessment criteria to his/her study attainment was accessible to the student. The rectification request concerning recognition of prior learning must be made within 14 days of the receipt of the notification of the decision. A student dissatisfied with the decision regarding the rectification request may apply for rectification from a degree board or other organ designated for the purpose within 14 days of receiving the notification of the decision

5 University of Eastern Finland - Degree regulations: Study attainments shall include examinations, exercises, essays, learning diaries, proficiency tests or other course completion methods or combinations thereof defined in the curriculum (study attainments also refer to theses) Written or otherwise recorded examinations and the corresponding study attainments shall be stored for at least six months after the results are published Written and other corresponding examinations shall be organised in a way which allows students sufficient preparation time The results of an exam shall be published no later than three (3) weeks after the exam, in the university’s electronic student and study register. Any deviations from the deadline shall be notified to the students within three (3) weeks of the exam If an exam has been evaluated by several teachers and they have not done so collaboratively, the name of the teacher assessing each individual task shall be indicated

6 Grading practice - University of Eastern Finland Grades for individual passed courses and modules: 5/5 Excellent, 4/5 Very good, 3/5 Good, 2/5 Satisfactory, 1/5 Sufficient Pass (course completed succesfully) Approved courses in the Second Domestic Language (Swedish or Finnish) are graded with the scale: Satisfactory (1-3 = T), Good (4-5=H) The additional possible grading scales for thesis and dissertation : L, ECL, MCL, CL, NSA, LA, A ApprD, Appr K/E Excellent, H Good, T Satisfactory, V Sufficient These scales are widely used in Finnish Universities. University uses a programme that detects plagiarism; plagiarism results in sanctions, based on guidelines against academic dishonesty: If prior learning is demonstrated in a test or other evaluation on learning, it can be assessed using all grades. Otherwise it shall be graded using pass-fail – scale. UEF Guidelines for recognition of prior learning: procedures+for+recognising+prior+learning+_eng.pdf/d9ada0f4-a078-4b53-b8b9- c955a4fe523d= procedures+for+recognising+prior+learning+_eng.pdf/d9ada0f4-a078-4b53-b8b9- c955a4fe523d

7 Student grading at Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Lahti UAS) 5.5 Assessment (Degree Regulations) Learning achievements are assessed on the basis of oral and written examinations, assignments, activity demonstrations and other reliable assessment methods. Assessment is evidence-based and has a developmental purpose. Students have the right to receive information on how assessment criteria have been applied to their studies. Students must be given the opportunity to examine a graded record of their performance. A record (in hard copy or other format) of each performance must be retained for a minimum period of six months after the publication of the results. The lecturer in charge of the course is responsible for related assessment (including the thesis). Self-assessment, peer assessment and, if applicable, clients' assessments can be used as additional forms of assessment. Lahti University of Applied Sciences uses a programme that detects plagiarism; plagiarism results in sanctions.

8 Student grading at Lahti UAS The lecturer in charge of the course ensures that the grades are recorded in the credit record database within 30 days of the completion date. Students are graded individually. The course completion date is the date by which the student has successfully completed all of the components required for the course in question. This is the date entered in the database. The assessment date is the date on which the grade is entered in the database by the lecturer. Approved studies are graded as Excellent (5), Very good (4), Good (3), Satisfactory (2) or Sufficient (1). A rejected course results in a Fail (0). Courses can also be assessed as a Pass/Fail. A Pass grade requires demonstration of good knowledge. Theses are graded on the same basis as courses.

9 Student grading at Lahti UAS 5.6 Appeals (Degree Regulation) Students who are dissatisfied with an assessment result can request, verbally or in writing, reassessment of the results from the lecturer who carried out the assessment. Appeals regarding decisions on credit transfers for studies completed at another institution are submitted to the lecturer or the principal lecturer. The reassessment request must be made within 14 days from the date the student had the opportunity to obtain the assessment results and the information on the application of assessment criteria. The lecturer or principal lecturer must reply in writing to the student requesting reassessment. Students who are dissatisfied with the appeal decision referred to above may appeal to the Board of Examiners of Lahti University of Applied Sciences within 14 days of receipt of notification of the decision.

10 Student grading at Lahti UAS In Lahti University of Applied Sciences assessment frameworks are prepared for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree as well as Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis for 5 (excellent), 3 (good) and 1 (sufficient) In Bachelor’s degree assessment frameworks are both initial and graduation stage Assessment frameworks are in accordance with competence-based curricula which are in turn based on the requirements of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Assessment frameworks are prepared to help to set learning outcomes and in grading for a course of for a module One example: Learning outcomes of modules A and B in a degree programme are different → they are compared to different competences in the framework Another example: Learning outcomes of modules C and D in two different degree programmes are about same → they are compared to same competences in the framework At degree level frameworks work in a general level Assessment frameworks are part of the Lahti UAS quality management system

11 Students will be able to A. KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SKILLS B. PRACTICAL SKILLS C. RESPONSIBILITY AND TEAM SKILLS / LEADERSHIP SKILLS 5 A2 find information in accordance with the different stages of the information retrieval process, justify the choices and uses, and appraise different resources A1 apply professional concepts expertly B4 propose innovative or alternative solutions in professional situations B3 compare different options of action B2 work in different roles and in different environments B1 select appropriate techniques/work methods and models/processes and justify the choices. C4 plan their actions with due regard to safety C3 act appropriately with different groups/audiences in different situations C2 justify their actions in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession C1 organise team activities 3 A2 identify the need for information on a case-by-case basis and differentiate everyday knowledge and scientific knowledge A1 apply professional concepts in a consistent manner B4 perform professional roles with a goal-oriented and developmental approach B3 identify the starting points, needs and grounds of action B2 perform in typical tasks/situations in different environments B1 diversely apply acquired techniques/work methods and models/processes C4 follow safety guidelines C3 take into account the target group/audience in their actions C2 act in accordance with ethical principles C1 work in a team with a goal-oriented approach 1 A2 search information from various sources on a case-by-case basis A1 apply some of the professional concepts and demonstrate their familiarity with the knowledge base of the field in question B4 follow guidelines and rules B3 describe the starting points, needs and grounds of action B2 perform individual tasks according to instructions B1 apply acquired techniques/work methods and models/processes C4 work with due regard to safety C3 demonstrate knowledge of the target groups/audiences of the field in question C2 demonstrate knowledge of the ethical principles of the chosen field C1 work in a team ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK FOR BACHELOR'S DEGREES Competence at the initiation level Lahti UAS

12 Students will be able to A. KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SKILLS B. PRACTICAL SKILLS C. RESPONSIBILITY AND TEAM SKILLS / LEADERSHIP SKILLS 5 A2 evaluate and justify the suitability of information resources A1 expertly apply professional concepts and to combine them meaningfully B4 engage in goal-oriented workplace development B3 plan their actions by comparing and analysing different options available B2 act independently and responsibly in a professional setting, taking into account the target audience/customer group B1 select, combine and develop appropriate techniques / work methods and models / processes C4 develop safety within a community C3 take responsibility of customer/service process entity C2 use and/or apply ethical principles in decision-making on a case-by-case basis C1 promote the professional development of individuals / groups 3 A2 critically appraise and compare different sources of information A1 use professional concepts extensively and communicate on field- specific topics both with expert and non-expert audiences B4 propose innovative or alternative solutions in professional situations B3 analyse the starting points, needs and grounds of action B2 apply their professional competences in a meaningful manner in different situations B1 select appropriate techniques/work methods and models/processes and justify the choices. C4 act responsibly with due regard to safety C3 act appropriately with different groups/audiences in different situations C2 justify their actions in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession C1 organise and lead goal-oriented activities of teams including multisectoral/multidisciplinary teams 1 A2 find information in accordance with the different stages of the information retrieval process and justify the choices and uses A1 apply professional concepts in a consistent manner and justify their actions based on scientific knowledge/findings B4 perform professional roles with a goal- oriented and developmental approach B3 identify the starting points, needs and grounds of action B2 perform in complex or unprecedented situations at work B1 diversely apply acquired techniques/work methods and models/processes C4 identify and comply with safety guidelines related to the task C3 act with a customer-oriented approach C2 act in accordance with the ethical principles of the field in question C1 engage in and contribute to goaloriented team activities ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK FOR BACHELOR'S DEGREES Competence at graduation Lahti UAS


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