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Transitions. Transitions – connecting one idea to another or one main point to another Example – Now that we know the types of insects that are edible,

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Presentation on theme: "Transitions. Transitions – connecting one idea to another or one main point to another Example – Now that we know the types of insects that are edible,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitions

2 Transitions – connecting one idea to another or one main point to another Example – Now that we know the types of insects that are edible, let’s look at the nutritional value of them

3 Internal Preview Internal Preview – a statement in the body of the speech that lets the audience know what the speaker is going to discuss next Example: Let’s look at three problems with over using cell phones: lack of face-to-face communication, wasted time and cost

4 Internal Summary Internal Summary – a statement in the body of the speech that summarizes the speaker’s preceding point or points Example: So far we’ve learned that the human body needs protein and carbs to operate at peak performance.

5 Signposts Signposts – a very brief statement that indicates where a speaker is in the speech OR that focuses attention on key ideas Example: “It’s important to remember” or “The first rule is”

6 Practice Please number your paper 1 – 7.

7 1. In short, palm reading is an ancient art. It developed in China more than five thousand years ago; it was practiced in classical Greece and Rome, and flourished during the Middle Ages.

8 2. Now that we have seen how serious the problem of faulty credit reports, let’s look at some solutions.

9 3. Be sure to keep in mind...

10 4. The third cause is mismanagement of available food resources by local leaders.

11 5. In discussing the problem of radon in U.S. homes, we shall look at what radon is, how it gets into our homes, and the dangers it poses.

12 6. We’ve seen the causes, effects and treatment of lead poisoning.

13 7. Now that we’ve seen what life was life in Pompeii before the eruption, let’s take a look at what happened the day of the eruption.

14 Answers

15 1. In short, palm reading is an ancient art. It developed in China more than five thousand years ago; it was practiced in classical Greece and Rome, and flourished during the Middle Ages. Answer – internal summary

16 2. Now that we have seen how serious the problem of faulty credit reports, let’s look at some solutions. Answer - transition

17 3. Be sure to keep in mind... Answer - Signpost

18 4. The third cause is mismanagement of available food resources by local leaders Answer – Sign post

19 5. In discussing the problem of radon in U.S. homes, we shall look at what radon is, how it gets into our homes, and the dangers it poses. Answer – Internal preview

20 6. In discussing the problem of radon in U.S. homes, we shall look at what radon is, how it gets into our homes, and the dangers it poses. Answer – Internal preview

21 7. Now that we’ve seen what life was life in Pompeii before the eruption, let’s take a look at what happened the day of the eruption. Transition

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