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living room dining room bedroom bathroom kitchen toilet house flat whose wall poster window bed table video cosy under small picture bookcase bookshelf.

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Presentation on theme: "living room dining room bedroom bathroom kitchen toilet house flat whose wall poster window bed table video cosy under small picture bookcase bookshelf."— Presentation transcript:


2 living room dining room bedroom bathroom kitchen toilet house flat whose wall poster window bed table video cosy under small picture bookcase bookshelf wardrobe chair armchair coffee table floor carpet lamp how many near flower

3 There is / There are сущ-е в ед. числе сущ-е во множ-м числе There is one book on the table. There are four books on the table. There is a living room in my flat. В моей квартире есть гостиная. There are three windows in the living room. В гостиной есть три окна.

4 Living room

5 1)Write what is not there. Make negative sentences. Example: В комнате нет кровати. – There is no bed (e, d, b) in the room На полке нет книг. __________________________(o, o, b, k) on the shelf. В спальне нет дивана. __________________________(o, a, f, s) in the bedroom. На письменном столе нет ручки. __________________________(e, n, p) on the desk. В квартире нет ванной комнаты. __________________________(a, o, o, b, h, t, r, m) in the flat. 2) Write as in an example. Example: a coffee table (+) a carpet (-) There is a coffee table in the room, but there is no carpet there. a toy (+), a book (-) _______________________on the chair, ______________________there a bed (+), a table (-) _______________________in the room, ______________________there a flower (+), a carpet (-) _______________________ in the room, ______________________there a clock (+), a flower (-) _______________________ on the shelf, ______________________there a pillow (+), a book (-) _______________________ on the bed, ______________________there

6 Look at the picture and the list with unfinished sentences. Finish these sentences. It is …. The bedroom is …. There is a big bed …. …on the floor. There is a …on the wall. There …a window in the room.











17 Project My house Pupil : Nasty Romanova form : 5 v Teacher : Yakimova A.N. Alicovo 2008

18 My house We have a house. My house is big, nice, good. There are four rooms in my house: a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms.

19 Living room Our living room is big and very cosy. There is a sofa, a bookcase, a TV, a video, a piano, a lot of flowers, two armchairs a coffee table and wardrobe in our living room.

20 Kitchen Our kitchen is small and very nice. There is a table, two chairs, a gas-stove in our kitchen. There is a picture on the wall. In our kitchen there is a big window.

21 My bedroom My bedroom is big and very cosy. There are two windows, two bedrooms, two chairs, a big table, a bookcase in my badroom.

22 Mother’s and father’s bedroom Mother’s and father’s bedroom is small and very cosy. There is one bed in this room. There is a lamp on the wall. There are flowers on the windowsill.


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