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Ultra High Speed Internet Initiative: Town of Mono Web Site Positioning MSAC January 15, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Ultra High Speed Internet Initiative: Town of Mono Web Site Positioning MSAC January 15, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ultra High Speed Internet Initiative: Town of Mono Web Site Positioning MSAC January 15, 2014

2 Objective  Community interest in the Internet initiative undertaken by the Mono Sustainability Advisory Committee (MSAC) will continue to increase. Education on the what, why, and how will be instrumental to the acceptance and implementation of any Internet offering. That Education requires a multi- channel, multi-message capability.  Developing a full representation of the initiative on the Town’s website, will support the communication, education, and involvement underpinnings of success.

3 Current Town of Mono Website Structure Main Page Tabs Government Tab Our Community Tab Visitors Tab Contact Us Tab Community Engagement Tab Page links Community Centre & Parks Council and Committee Agendas Maps Newsletter Municipal Services List Links News and Announcements Events Calendar Recreation Events The Government Tab: 9 submenus Up to 4 layers deep Our Community Tab: 7 submenus Up to 3 layers deep Visitors Tab: 11 submenus Up to 2 layers deep Community Engagement Click to Web Page

4 Components of the Ultra High Speed Internet Portal: Main Page Header Page  What is Ultra-High Speed Internet  Why it Matters  What’s in it for Me  What are we Doing  Getting Involved Each heading has a brief, and a “know more” link that takes you to another page. All pages carry the same menu off to one side: Main Page What is Ultra-High Speed Why it Matters What’s in it for Me What are we Doing Getting Involved

5 Ultra High Speed Header Mock Up Welcome to the Ultra-High Speed portal of the Town of Mono’s Website Ultra High-Speed Internet Initiative (i-Canada) (Federal Government Broadband Strategy) (Olds, Alberta initiative) Home What is Ultra High Speed? Why it Matters What’s in it for Me? What are We Doing? Getting Involved This is something that is being done for Mono, by the people of Mono. Its success will require a broad range of skills and experience. Can you help? As a community, we need people to support the initiative as it goes forward. We also need your ideas. > Getting Involved A multi-disciplined team of volunteers working under MSAC is working towards a service defined and built for Mono. It is the largest undertaking in the history of the town. But we won’t be the first. (see the link to Olds, Alberta on the right.) > What are We Doing? Ultra High Speed Internet is an internet service that moves data significantly faster than services available today. That speed future-proofs the ability to provide the usability of services for several years.. This is important as more and more data is used in Internet applications with each generation. > What is Ultra High Speed Internet? Our lives are increasingly linked through the Internet.. In Mono, we are grossly underserved, even by Canadian standards. This absence will affect our quality life, Its presence will help sustain our community. > Why it Matters The obvious goal is to provide everyone in Mono with better service, at a lower cost than is currently available. We also have a goal of enriching people’s lives by providing them with the best service available for them to live and thrive in Mono.. > What’s In it For Me?

6 Main Page > What is Ultra-High Speed  The Internet of Things  Speed of Life  How the Internet Works  Broad categories of delivery  Imbedded links to articles

7 What is Ultra High Speed Mock Up Welcome to the Ultra-High Speed portal of the Town of Mono’s Website What is Ultra High Speed (i-Canada) (Federal Government Broadband Strategy) (Olds, Alberta initiative) Home What is Ultra High Speed? Why it Matters What’s in it for Me? What are We Doing? Getting Involved

8 Main Page > Why it Matters  The Ongoing Evolution of the Internet  The Impact it is (will) have on you  The Impact it will have on Mono  The Impact it has on Nations  The Canadian Imperative  Link to i-Canada  Link to Federal Government  Link to OECD  Link to Conference Board of Canada  Link to United Nations

9 Why it Matters Mock Up Welcome to the Ultra-High Speed portal of the Town of Mono’s Website Why it Matters (i-Canada) (Federal Government Broadband Strategy) (Olds, Alberta initiative) Home What is Ultra High Speed? Why it Matters What’s in it for Me? What are We Doing? Getting Involved

10 Main Page > What’s in it for Me?  Three classes in Mono: Those who have, those who want it, those who don’t want it.  6 segments of Mono (Retiree, student, commuter…)  Gains in other communities who took the same path  Olds, Fredericton, Stratford, Belleville,…,?  Experience  Price  The need to look beyond today

11 What’s in it for Me? Mock Up Welcome to the Ultra-High Speed portal of the Town of Mono’s Website What’s in it for Me? (i-Canada) (Federal Government Broadband Strategy) (Olds, Alberta initiative) Home What is Ultra High Speed? Why it Matters What’s in it for Me? What are We Doing? Getting Involved

12 Main Page > What Are We Doing?  What’s the goal  High level plan and description  Current status:  What’s happening  Next set of dates of interest  Alternatives for the end product  Alternatives for delivery  You:  How to keep in the loop  How can you help  Want to get involved  Publications and other public documents

13 What are We Doing Mock Up Welcome to the Ultra-High Speed portal of the Town of Mono’s Website What are we Doing (i-Canada) (Federal Government Broadband Strategy) (Olds, Alberta initiative) Home What is Ultra High Speed? Why it Matters What’s in it for Me? What are We Doing? Getting Involved

14 Main Page > Getting Involved  FAQ  Your Questions and ideas (all public and non-edited, with responses)  Public Forums (as in Public Meetings)  Is there something we’re missing (all public, not necessarily responded to)  Subscribe to the Newsletter (confidential list)  Want to get Involved (confidential list)

15 Getting Involved Mock Up Welcome to the Ultra-High Speed portal of the Town of Mono’s Website Getting Involved (i-Canada) (Federal Government Broadband Strategy) (Olds, Alberta initiative) Home What is Ultra High Speed? Why it Matters What’s in it for Me? What are We Doing? Getting Involved

16 Getting to the Main Page  A link reference under the MSAC page (layer 3 of the government tab)  A link reference under the community tab  Links under each of the Welcome, e-Resources and n entry on the e-Updates page 

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