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Building a Professional Image I First Impressions Sumitra Mishra.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Professional Image I First Impressions Sumitra Mishra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Professional Image I First Impressions Sumitra Mishra

2  What is a ‘Professional Image’?  Why is making a positive impression important?  What conduct and appearance is appropriate for a positive ‘First Impression’?  How can you demonstrate proper conduct and appearance? Sumitra Mishra

3  Proper Projection of self matters more today  Important-How does the person in front ‘perceive ’ me.  Need-Creation of a personal ‘brand’ in the workplace and recognition of the same  Non Verbal language has a larger share in the Communication Pie now  Lesser cultural & geographical boundaries Sumitra Mishra

4  “The set of qualities and characteristics that represent perceptions of your competence and character as judged by your key constituents (i.e., clients, superiors, subordinates, colleagues).” (Roberts, AMR, 2008) Sumitra Mishra

5  What is the difference between "desired professional image" and "perceived professional image?"  Is there even a difference? Sumitra Mishra

6 Image You Think Others have of You Image Others Have of You (Or Not) Direct Feedback Indirect signals Perceived Image Sumitra Mishra

7  What do I want my key constituents to get people talking about me/ to me when I'm in the room?  This description is your desired professional image.  What am I concerned that my key constituents might get people talking about me when I'm not in the room?  The answer to this question represents your undesired professional image. Sumitra Mishra

8 How do you ‘like to sound’? How do you ‘like to look’? How do you look & sound ? The name of the difference is the “image gap” Sumitra Mishra

9  Assess your Current Image and Audience  Identify your Ideal State  Put together a step -by – step plan to achieve your ‘Desired Image’  Positive Distinctiveness Sumitra Mishra

10 Start with Impressions! Sumitra Mishra

11  Effect, feeling, or image we give or receive as the result of an experience Sumitra Mishra

12 Body LanguageTone & Pace of Voice Words/Verbal ContentAppearance Face-to-face Communication Sumitra Mishra

13 For A Good First impression  Attire & grooming  Voice  Handshake  Eye contact  Body posture & language  Habits & Personal Possessions Sumitra Mishra

14 AppearanceAppearanceInteractionsInteractions PersonalGroomingPersonalGrooming Wardrobe & Accessories AccessoriesFace-to-FaceFace-to-Face Over the Telephone Telephone Impressions & Behavior Business Etiquette

15 Workplace Appearance Smooth and Finished Elegant and Refined Crisp and Starchy Up-to-the Minute Trendy Sumitra Mishra

16  Conscious or unconscious attempts to influence opinions and behavior by regulation of actions and information.  People manage impressions through their non- verbal behavior, verbal communication and demonstrative acts.  Tactics  Self Enhancement (of oneself)  Other-Enhancement (of the other person) Sumitra Mishra

17 Tools To Maximize Credibility Eye Behavior PosturePosture GesturesGestures VoiceVoice

18 THANK YOU Sumitra Mishra

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