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® Managing Function 4 AM Operations WSS/ WSH Don Marbrey Ken Capps June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "® Managing Function 4 AM Operations WSS/ WSH Don Marbrey Ken Capps June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 ® Managing Function 4 AM Operations WSS/ WSH Don Marbrey Ken Capps June 2011

2 2 A successful F4 AM operation  Trucks arrive on time  Mail flow matches MAP  Clerk schedules based on earned work hours  Volume correctly measured and reported by dispatch  Distribution productivity expectations achieved  AAU scanning performed  Cut off times achieved  Caseable mail spread to carrier cases before carriers arrive  Variances reported

3 3 Mail Arrival Profile (MAP)  Truck Arrivals  Mail Flow  Purpose of the MAP  Delivery unit and processing plant personnel need to work jointly to improve the arrival time and condition of the mail to facilitate a more efficient morning operation. Mail arrival and condition are key factors affecting office performance. When mail arrives at a delivery unit later than expected or not in the agreed upon mail mix, carriers are delayed in the office.

4 4 Locating the current posted MAP

5 5 Locating the current posted MAP/1994

6 6 MAP / 1994 Review  Review current Maps  MAPS need to be maintained and current at all times.  MAPS should only change when there is a significant event affecting operations.  Changes due to FSS Impacts  Delivery Unit Optimization (DUO)  New APWU contract (utilization of PSE, NTFTEs)

7 7 Manage the workload  Volume Recording  Manage the productivity expectations  CSAW  AAU scanning  Spread all caseable mail to the carrier cases before carriers arrive.

8 8 CSAW: Build the 1994 to earned work hours CSAW planning tool to assist you in building your 1994 by day of the week.

9 9 CSAW: Build the 1994 to earned work hours This portion of the CSAW will indicate if the execution of your plan was effective.

10 10 Mail Arrival Quality Input When there are variances it is critical that you report them in MAQ when they occur. Reporting needs to be thorough by answering the 4 Q’s.

11 11 4 Q’s  Reporting variances in MAQ these four questions must be answered: 1. What was the variance? 2. What extraordinary efforts were made to recover from the situation? 3. What will we do differently today to avoid having the same situation recur? 4. How was this communicated to your employees.

12 12 Customer – Supplier Feedback: MAQ  MAP variances can negatively impact F4’s success to support F2 operations.

13 13 AAU Scanning Requirement:  Scan parcels with special services with the Arrival at Unit event started July 10, 2009  Arrival at Unit is for Priority Mail and Package Products with Extra Services  Extra Services are:  Delivery and Signature Confirmation  Registered, Certified and Insured Mail  Return Receipt for Merchandise  Collect on Delivery (COD)

14 ® WSS / WSH

15 15 WHAT CONSTITUTES SATURATION MAIL? What Constitutes Saturation Mail?  Simplified Addressing  Unaddressed  Saturation Addressed – ECR WSS  90% residential,  75% total deliveries

16 16 WSS/WSH  Park & Loop and Foot Routes 1st set as 3rd bundle Multiple sets o Curtailment if possible o Collate and carry as 3rd bundle if unable to curtail  Curbline/Dismount No bundle limitation

17 17 IMPROPER HANDLING OF WSS/WSH WSS Mail Staged At The Case. WSH Mail Cased On PM Operation.

18 18 IMPROPER HANDLING OF WSS/WSH WSS / WSH Mail Mixed With 2C And Presort. Carriers Will Retrieve This Mail And Case WSS. This Is Picture Taken During An Area Service Review…This Is Not A Rural Route And Yes, This Really Happens…

19 19 WSS/WSH STAGING  Avoid staging at the carrier case  Avoid handling at carrier case unless collating is required  Stage on direct line to vehicle

20 20 PROPER STAGING OF WSS/WSH WSS / WSH Is Staged Away From The Carrier Case In The Most Efficient Location Available…

21 21 WSS / WSH Is Staged And Worked Away From The Carrier Case In The Most Efficient Location Available… WSS/WSH STAGING

22 22 ROUTE IDENTIFICATION PROCESS STOP!!! DO NOT CASE ANY SEQUENCED(WSS) MAIL! All Sequenced(WSS) mailings on this route must be taken directly to the street. MAY CASE SEQUENCED (WSS) MAIL ON SPECIFIED SECTIONS OF THE ROUTE! Sequenced(WSS) mailings may be cased on this route as directed by management. MAY CASE SEQUENCED(WSS) MAIL ON ENTIRE ROUTE! Sequenced(WSS) mailings may be cased on this route as directed by management.

23 23 STOP!!! DO NOT CASE ANY SEQUENCED(WSS) MAIL! All Sequenced(WSS) mailings on this route must be taken directly to the street. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES

24 24 DISCRETIONARY MAY CASE SEQUENCED (WSS) MAIL ON SPECIFIED SECTIONS OF THE ROUTE! Sequenced(WSS) mailings may be cased on this route as directed by management. Park and Loop portions on mixed routes should be identified on the carrier case labels

25 25 THE EXCEPTION MAY CASE SEQUENCED(WSS) MAIL ON ENTIRE ROUTE! Sequenced(WSS) mailings may be cased on this route as directed by management.

26 26  MAP / 1994 are the foundations for setting up a successful AM F4 Operation  F4 volume recording must be by dispatch and must be accurate  MAQ Reporting allows us to fix problems with the 4Qs answered with each entry  Staging walk sequence mail away from carrier cases to ensure compliance  AAU Scanning is essential on all product lines  F2 success starts with a solid F4 operation Summary

27 27 References  MAP Variance Input   MAP /1994 Link  http://pacificarea/dps/dps_os_home.cfm http://pacificarea/dps/dps_os_home.cfm  CSAW volume recording  https://variance/csv/csaw/csaw_menu.cfm https://variance/csv/csaw/csaw_menu.cfm

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