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Eco-tourism in the framework of Leader (three case studies in Belgium and United Kingdom) by Jean-Michel Courades AGRI-G3.

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Presentation on theme: "Eco-tourism in the framework of Leader (three case studies in Belgium and United Kingdom) by Jean-Michel Courades AGRI-G3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eco-tourism in the framework of Leader (three case studies in Belgium and United Kingdom) by Jean-Michel Courades AGRI-G3

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3 3 The 7 key features of Leader

4 4 Successive Implementation steps Selection of local development strategy by programme authoritites Implementation of local development strategy by local action groups Evaluation of local development strategy Elaboration of local development strategy by local action group

5 5 Local action group Pays de l’Ourthe (Wallonia Belgium)  Local development strategy focusing on the valorisation of natural and cultural resources  tourist development plan aims to enhance tourism through the use of natural resources

6 6 Riveo project  The objective is to promote economic development based on natural resources, including preservation.  to reinforce the knowledge and identity of the area.  to contribute towards the development of “green tourism”, respectful of the environment, and the number of anglers.  Main activities aimed to: –Design a visitors centre on the river –Raise public awareness of the river environment –Develop fishing –Publish Fishing guides –Improve the river’s management

7 7 Riveo project history  1996 : project idea (river rehabilitation and public garden)  1998-2001 : regeneration of the 'Maison Godenir' in Hotton with Leader II funds (future river interpretation centre) – creation of a local association to manage the centre  2003 et 2007 : Creation of a River interpretation Centre by the LAG Ourthe Moyenne (Leader+)  April 2004 : first temporary exhibition « Aqua Sub Jura » on subaquatic fonds; since 2004 annual thematic exhibitions  March 2007 : opening of a faune discovery site with thematic gardens  In 2007 selected as a European Leader+ best practice

8 8 Riveo project history  2008 : fishing tourism development plan involving 6 communes (Houffalize, La Roche, Rendeux, Hotton,Durbuy en Erezée).  2009 : tourism structuration and promotion (Leader funding)  2010: River Interpretation centre has a new logo

9 9 Riveo project results (2007)  13 000 annual visitors  Events, school days, river discovering activities), 4 exhibitions)  15 fishing animators (2007)  tourist fishing guides trained  5 sites rehabilitated along the river, for the trout farming, scattered across the territory  Based on these achievements, cooperation with the local tourist industry have been developed, including the fishing trade, guesthouses, restaurants, volunteers, fishing and nature guides There are, therefore, tangible benefits for the local tourist economy.

10 10 Riveo project difficulties  separate financing systems have to be used, even when the project itself is well integrated with links between nature protection and tourism,  the lack of professional expertise in the ‘fishing world’; the solution was to develop a tourist fishing guide.

11 11 Leader added value  to help train the project manager  to establish a multidisciplinary technical committee, which visited other sites and exchanged experiences, and to facilitate contacts with European partners  The result was the emergence in the area of a new dynamic in the area of fishing (trainings, clubs, and children’s activities) and a wider project will be developed beyond 2008 called ‘Tourism around fishing’

12 12 Powys Regeneration Partnership  set up in 2000.  The Powys Regeneration Partnership now has the central role in the management and delivery of Axis 3 & 4 of the Rural Development Plan in the county.  The purpose of the PRP is to ensure a co-ordinated and integrated approach to economic and community regeneration in Powys founded on practical partnership working between private, voluntary, community and public sector organisations.  To be responsible for the strategic management of the Rural Development Plan in Powys overseeing the implementation of this programme.  To co-ordinate such other county wide economic and community activities and/or programmes which the Partnership has approved.

13 13 Leader added value : Innovation Audio tours of the Glaslyn Nature Reserve (Cambrian Mountains – Wales)

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15 15 Audio tours of the Glaslyn Nature Reserve (Cambrian Mountains – Wales)  innovative MP3-led Guided Walks  A wildlife and green themed trail, with both traditional and electronic audio- visual interpretation  The aim of the Project is to develop a themed trail, supported by downloadable information and interpretation (Tourists can download the audio trail files on MP3 player, i-pod or mobile phone - for FREE on internet)  Audio trails tells about the natural and human history of the area together as well as what is done to change land management practices.  These changes will help to enhance the wildlife interest of the area and to increase biodiversity, thus making the area more attractive for everyone.

16 16 Leader added value Circular trails project  Community involvement : Working closely with Community Councils and local people, the project liaises with landowners and a team of local volunteers  A footpath in a Powys village is being improved and expanded thanks to the support of local volunteers.  The work is being carried out as part of Powys County Council's Circular Trails Project which aims to create 12 new circular trails

17 17 Volunteers installing a new self-closing pedestrian gate

18 18 Volunteers creating a new circular trail

19 19 Leader added value – area based approach  Green Tourism Business Scheme (GTBS) eco certification for the LAG area  Since the project's launch specialist advisors have worked with businesses to improve sustainability performance like reducing waste and improving energy efficiency  One visitor in five considered how environmentally-friendly a business was when choosing accommodation. For overseas visitors it's even more important,with one in four  Of the 13 tourism operators visited by GTBS inspectors three have been given the Gold GTBS award while another three were rated Silver.

20 20 Cadwyn Clwyd /Clwydian islands (wales- UK) 2 Partnerships Denbighshire and Flintshire  Sustainable tourism strategy and action plan 2008 – 2013 funded by Leader+ as a part of the local develomepment strategy  Strategy based on easy access to exceptional landscape and associated cultural and natural heritage.  Giving highest priority to the conservation of environment and the area’s special qualities, and to the management of visitors, as a basis for sustainable tourism.  Developing a range of diverse visitor experiences, supported by high quality visitor facilities and services,  based primarily around outdoor activities and the interpretation of heritage.

21 21 CLWYDIAN islands tourism strategy  Seeking a higher return to the local economy  Helping local tourism related enterprises to understand the special qualities of the area, to identify with it, to work together, and to put these qualities across to visitors.  providing excellent facilities at certain key sites, and promoting more environmentally friendly access.  Working with local communities to gain more benefit from tourism and to  minimise pressures on them.

22 22 Flintshire Pilot Project  Objective : To extend the tourism season and develop new green tourism opportunities. To enable the tourism sector to pilot the combination of activities and provisions in the area e.g. mountain biking / trails with accommodation providers, footpath networks linked with rural businesses..  Eligible actions : activities which are risky in nature i.e. actions which have not previously been piloted. The development of new activity holidays / breaks will be piloted, for example cycling, walking, fishing. It will enable groups of businesses, including farm businesses, to work together to develop networks which will pilot new tourism 'products' in rural Flintshire. –Feasibility studies and development plans and development plans Development of new ventures e.g. piloting walking with wildlife tourism may require initial research prior to implementation. –Project Implementation A fund will be allocated to pilot projects on the ground prior to mainstreaming if successful. –Marketing : small-scale marketing within the context of Borderlands, the regional tourism marketing initiative.  Who can apply?  Groups that can apply include Local, Town and Community Councils, business groups, voluntary groups, community groups, clubs and societies in the rural areas of Flintshire. Cadwyn Clwyd will work directly with these community groups to develop the projects.

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