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Разработка урока по теме”Здоровый образ жизни” 10 КЛАСС.

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Presentation on theme: "Разработка урока по теме”Здоровый образ жизни” 10 КЛАСС."— Presentation transcript:

1 Разработка урока по теме”Здоровый образ жизни” 10 КЛАСС

2 Цели и задачи урока:  - воспитание здорового человека  -консолидация лексики по теме  -умение выражать и аргументировать мысли

3 Необходимый лексический материал:  Пословицы и поговорки:  -healthy mind in a healthy body  -an apple a day keeps a doctor away  -a sound mind in a sound body  -health is above wealth  -fit as a fiddle(здоров как бык)

4 Идиомы и выражения: A doggy bag talk turkey A bad egg pig out A good egg eat like a horse Go Dutch eat like a bird

5 Lexics:  The secret of longevity products high in protein and vitamin  To be overweight to burn calories  Lose weight(get rid of fat) severe eating disorders  Keep to a diet lead to cancer, diabetes  Eat slowly bulimia, anorexia  Eat plenty of fish, fruit and vegetables  Health benefits  Locally grown food  To be a veg  Eat low-fat food

6 Nutrition:  Apathy  Nervous breakdown  Irritation  Give up smoking, eating junk food  Jogging(walking)  Doing sports  Sleeping for 8 hours  Stay active

7 Revision of some words, suitable for the issue:  Recipes  Dairy products  Delicious  Savour  Abstain from  Cooking utensils  Beverages

8 Giving derivatives:  Develop-developed-developing-development  Moral-morality-immoral  Consume-consumption  Health-healthy  Complete-completely-completion  Produce-production-productive  Admire-admiration-admirable  Diet-dietician  Strong-strength-strengthen

9 Making up dialogues  1. Your friend wants to lose weight. Give possible hints.  2. Your parents want you to go in for sport. You are against. Give possible arguments.  3. Vegs have found the secret of good living. How do you understand? Give your ideas.

10 Imagine that your teacher suffers from ailments.Give advice.  You should  You shouldn`t  You have to  You ought to

11 Auding and reading  Page 51 ex.6(B)  Type of food they eat, reasons they give  Page40-41 ex.4  Live long and prosperous  Talk: Choose the correct parts of the sentences to complete gaps 1- 6

12 Conclusion  What`s necessary to do to be a centenarian according to the Japanese?

13 Hometask  What should we do to live longer? Spend three minutes writing about the topic





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