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*28 March 1592 +15 November 1670.  He was born in Moravia.

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Presentation on theme: "*28 March 1592 +15 November 1670.  He was born in Moravia."— Presentation transcript:

1 *28 March 1592 +15 November 1670

2  He was born in Moravia.

3  He was a Czech speaking Moravian teacher, educator and writer, he served as the last bishop of Unity of the Brethern and became a religions refugee and one of the earliest champions of universal education.  He is considered the father of modern education. Who was he?

4  Comenius was inovator who first introduced pictorial text books, written in native language instead of Latin, applied effective teaching based on the natural gradual growth from simple to more comprehensive concepts.

5  He developed a logical thinking by moving from dull memorization, presents and support the idea equal opportunity for impoverished children, opened doors to education for woman.

6  It is situated in Přerov castle and you can see various exhibitions, cultural events like weddings or concerts there. Museum of Jan Amos Komenský



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