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Innovation in Tourism Organisations: Facilitators and Barriers BEST Education Network Think Tank VII Margaret Deery and Leo Jago Centre for Hospitality.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation in Tourism Organisations: Facilitators and Barriers BEST Education Network Think Tank VII Margaret Deery and Leo Jago Centre for Hospitality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation in Tourism Organisations: Facilitators and Barriers BEST Education Network Think Tank VII Margaret Deery and Leo Jago Centre for Hospitality and Tourism Research Victoria University

2 Background –Importance of innovation to industry –Difficulties in innovation adoption in the Australian tourism industry SMTEs Dissemination of knowledge products Many time poor, risk averse businesses

3 Innovation Process Cooper, Jago, Carlsen and Ruhanen, 2006) First Knowledge of Innovation Form Attitude to Innovation Decision to Adopt or Reject Innovation Implement- ation of the Innovation Confirmation of Decision to Implement Innovation

4 Barriers to the Adoption of Innovation Barriers to the adoption of innovation by SMTEs (Hwang and Lockwood, 2006): Particularly effected by the changes in tourist demand Seasonality Limited resources – human and financial Lack of skilled labour Lack of internal and external market intelligence Location of the SMTE

5 Case Studies: STCRC Innovative Tourism Products Industry Performance Analyser for Tourism (IPAT) industry identified a need to be able to: – monitor performance over time – compare performance to similar businesses IPAT developed for use in a range of different sectors. It is: – a computer program that resides on a remote server – enables users to input a small number of key performance variables –Allows an immediate comparison of business performance over time – if sufficient number of other similar businesses – can compare with these

6 Case Study: IPAT Evaluation of the use of IPAT (Scott and Breakey, 2007) operators state it is useful but… It needs operator ‘buy-in’ and continuing support Lessons for the facilitation of innovative products: – there needs to be a government or industry champion – operators require considerable nurturing, mentoring to adopt new products

7 Case Study: Encore Festival and Event Evaluation Kit Background to the kit development Applications and adaptations of the kit Limited uptake of the kit due to: –Changes in staff and lack of familiarity with the kit –Lack of ownership of the kit –Lack of ‘research’ skills

8 Conclusions Adoption as important as innovation Enhance techniques for adoption of innovation –Focus on high performers –Champions to demonstrate

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