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Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown 1 The Rise of Fascism The World at the Brink of War.

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Presentation on theme: "Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown 1 The Rise of Fascism The World at the Brink of War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown 1 The Rise of Fascism The World at the Brink of War

2 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown2 The Origins of Trouble The Treaty of Versailles ends and World War I and left Germany with enormous debt and inflation due to the reparations they were forced to pay. The Treaty of Versailles ends and World War I and left Germany with enormous debt and inflation due to the reparations they were forced to pay.

3 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown3 A Little Corporal Stands Tall Adolf Hitler a veteran of World War I becomes a leading proponent of German nationalism in the 1920’s. Adolf Hitler a veteran of World War I becomes a leading proponent of German nationalism in the 1920’s. A failed attempt to overthrow the government lands Hitler in prison. A failed attempt to overthrow the government lands Hitler in prison.

4 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown4 Mein Kempf During his incarceration Hitler put his political & nationalistic beliefs as well as his anti-Semitic feelings to print in his book Mein Kempf. During his incarceration Hitler put his political & nationalistic beliefs as well as his anti-Semitic feelings to print in his book Mein Kempf. His plan of Racial (Aryan) Superiority is also outlined. His plan of Racial (Aryan) Superiority is also outlined.

5 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown5 Elected to Office Feeding on people’s fears Nazi’s set fire to the Reichstag prior to the election and blamed the communists. Feeding on people’s fears Nazi’s set fire to the Reichstag prior to the election and blamed the communists. In 1933 Hitler’s Nazi party were elected into the majority of the German Reichstag and Hitler was elected Chancellor. In 1933 Hitler’s Nazi party were elected into the majority of the German Reichstag and Hitler was elected Chancellor.

6 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown6 Fascism Rises to Power in Italy Facing the same economic difficulties as Germany a newspaper editor named Benito Mussolini is elected leader. Facing the same economic difficulties as Germany a newspaper editor named Benito Mussolini is elected leader. His promise to restore Italy to the glory of the Roman Empire. His promise to restore Italy to the glory of the Roman Empire.

7 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown7 Mussolini’s Plan Complete very public projects. Complete very public projects. Rebuild the transportation system and have the trains run on time. Rebuild the transportation system and have the trains run on time. Arrest and harass the Sicilian led Mafia. Arrest and harass the Sicilian led Mafia. Rebuild the Army Rebuild the Army

8 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown8 Hitler & Mussolini Join Forces An alliance of the two emerging nations is forged. An alliance of the two emerging nations is forged. A plan of divide and conquer is developed; A plan of divide and conquer is developed; –Germany will invade and conquer Central, Western & Eastern Europe. Plus the Soviet Union. –Italy will conquer the nations of the Mediterranean Sea and North Africa.

9 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown9 German Forces March An invasion of Austria began and faced little resistance as Hitler claimed to be reuniting the 2 nations. I seek no more land! An invasion of Austria began and faced little resistance as Hitler claimed to be reuniting the 2 nations. I seek no more land! Shortly thereafter, Sudetenland is invaded. Shortly thereafter, Sudetenland is invaded.

10 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown10 Appeasement The nations of Europe met with Hitler at the Munich Conference to discuss the invasion. The nations of Europe met with Hitler at the Munich Conference to discuss the invasion. An agreement was reached ending further hostilities. An agreement was reached ending further hostilities. Prime Minister Chamberlain of Great Britain pronounced that “ “we have attained peace in our time.” Prime Minister Chamberlain of Great Britain pronounced that “ “we have attained peace in our time.”

11 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown11 An Uneasy Truce Germany and the Soviet Union sign a Non-Aggression Pact Germany and the Soviet Union sign a Non-Aggression Pact Under the terms of this treaty both countries agree not to attack the other. Under the terms of this treaty both countries agree not to attack the other. Stalin & Hitler prepare for war with each other. Stalin & Hitler prepare for war with each other.

12 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown12 Blitzkrieg: Lightening Attack Hitler’s idea of “Peace in our Time” Hitler’s idea of “Peace in our Time” Invade, Invade & Invade Invade, Invade & Invade –Poland –Holland –France –The Soviet Union

13 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown13 A “new” Rome? Italy invades Ethiopia seeking to control her grain harvests. Italy invades Ethiopia seeking to control her grain harvests. Invasions move Eastern into Tunisia. Invasions move Eastern into Tunisia. –Following the path of the Roman conquerors to Carthage.

14 Enlarged City School Distrcit of Middletown14 The World is at the Brink of Fascist Dominance

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