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WELCOME. Introducing Md. Hasanuzzaman Assistant. Teacher (English). Ati Bhawal higher Secondary School. Keranigonj, Dhaka. Class –Ten Subject : English.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME. Introducing Md. Hasanuzzaman Assistant. Teacher (English). Ati Bhawal higher Secondary School. Keranigonj, Dhaka. Class –Ten Subject : English."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introducing Md. Hasanuzzaman Assistant. Teacher (English). Ati Bhawal higher Secondary School. Keranigonj, Dhaka. Class –Ten Subject : English first paper Date : 01/09/2015

3 Tara mosque in Dhaka Shat Gambuj mosque in Bagerhat The Sydney Opera houseStatue of Liberty in USA

4 Golden temple of Sri Lanka Brazil - Rio The Great wall of China Bristol Clifton suspension Bridge

5 The Shat Gambuj Mosque Unit - 8 Lesson - 01

6 Learning outcomes ** By the end of this lesson the students will be able to – a. listen for specific information. b. read and understand texts through silent reading. c. ask and answer questions. d. write a paragraph describing a place.

7 The ‘Shat Gambuj Mosque’, Bagerhat became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985.

8 The 4 towers at 4 corners have smaller domes on the roof as well. 60 P illars that support the roof 77 low height domes Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali

9 11 deep curves between the slender stone columns Decorated with terracotta Squat domes

10 vocabs Mangrove Stone work warrior Forest with salty water Work with stone to built Fighter

11 Monument construction Prayer hall Building The house of saying prayer Place for memorizing something

12 The _____ prayer hall has 11 arched ____________ on the east and 7 each on the north and south for light and ______________. The _____________ of the arches is _______ and have slightly narrowing hollow and ________ wall. thickness 6 feet round vast doorways ventilation

13 complete the chart Shat Gambuj Mosque Information Founded by When Number of domes Number of pillars Arches Thickness of the arches Mihrabs Ulugh Khan Jahan Ali 15 th century 77 domes 60 pillars 11 6 feet 11

14 Ponds, built by Khan Jahan Ali Road, built by Khan Jahan Ali Public buildingBridge

15 Pair work *** What are complex and institutions had been built by KhanJahan Ali in Bagerhat ?.

16 Home work ***Write a description on the Star Mosque with the help of the given clues.

17 Location- Dhaka, Abul Khairat Road. Style: Mughal. Number of domes: 5. Decoration: different sizes of stars on, dome and outside wall. Materials used for decoration: chinaware and white cement. Interior of the mosque: mosaic floor, floral tiles on the wall. Built by: Mirza Ghulam Pir- a respectable Zamindar of Dhaka. Time: early 18 th century. Given clues :

18 Thank you everybody

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