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Knowledge Extraction for Semantic Web Using Web Mining 報告者:陳宜樺 報告日期: 2015/10/30.

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1 Knowledge Extraction for Semantic Web Using Web Mining 報告者:陳宜樺 報告日期: 2015/10/30

2 outline  Introduction  Background  Methodology  Implementation  Evaluation

3 Introduction(1/2)  The backbone of semantic web is ontology  This paper investigates the problem of extracting knowledge from large number of web documents in order to develop ontologies

4 Introduction(2/2)  Web documents could be categorized in to three categories based on their structure namely, un- structured, semi-structured and fully-structured  This research attempt combines the web content mining with web usage mining to semi automate the process of ontology learning from semi- structured web documents

5 Background(1/2)  Web content mining web content mining can take advantage of the HTML tags in the semi-structured web pages  Web structure mining web structure mining is mostly interested in the hyperlinks of the web pages

6 Background(2/2)  Web usage mining web usage mining is the process of extracting knowledge from web user behaviour

7 Methodology(1/3)  Concept and conceptual relationship extraction through web content mining  Concept Extraction: Weighted frequency of a word depends on the frequency of occurrence and the type of HTML tags which are used to encapsulate it 工具 :Part Of Speech(POS) tagging /Natural Language Processing (NLP)

8 Methodology(2/3)  Conceptual Relationships Extraction: it produces a hierarchical tree structure, as the same way how web authors present their information

9 Methodology(3/3)  Conceptual relationships identification through web usage mining  log file(IP address/date/time/method: GET or POST/file name/results)  access logs 限制 :1.One user could have several IP addresses even in the same session 2.Several users could have the same IP address due to the effect of network address translation

10 Implementation  Web Ontology Language (OWL)  Picallo 2D graphics framework (Picallo 2D 圖形化框架 ) 版本 : Piccolo2D.Java 、 Piccolo2D.NET 、 PocketPiccolo2D.NET( 在.NET Compact Framework)  openNLP tool ( 自然語言處理工具 )  WUMprep

11 Implementation  Web Ontology Language (OWL)  Picallo 2D graphics framework (Picallo 2D 圖形化框架 ) 版本 : Piccolo2D.Java 、 Piccolo2D.NET 、 PocketPiccolo2D.NET( 在.NET Compact Framework)  openNLP tool ( 自然語言處理工具 )  WUMprep

12 Evaluation(1/2) precision and recall (used in information retrieval) or accuracy measure (used in machine learning)  User evaluation  Average and Novice based on the level of expertise in semantic web  Likert scale ( 李克特量表 ): 是一種心理反應量表心理

13 Evaluation(2/2)  evaluation of the ontology against 'gold standard' ontology  BBC wild life ontology ( 英國廣播公司野生動物本體 )

14 Thank You!

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