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 Current mental health › Medication, therapy  Continuing mental health › How to maintain while abroad?  Fill prescriptions before leaving  Find providers.

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Presentation on theme: " Current mental health › Medication, therapy  Continuing mental health › How to maintain while abroad?  Fill prescriptions before leaving  Find providers."— Presentation transcript:


2  Current mental health › Medication, therapy  Continuing mental health › How to maintain while abroad?  Fill prescriptions before leaving  Find providers abroad › How to anticipate?  What have transitions been like for you in the past?  What has it been like to make new friends?

3  Familiarize yourself with the other culture before you depart  Plan for how to communicate with friends and family › Consider time zone differences, access to technology  Discuss with your romantic partner the expectations for the relationship  Do a self-care inventory and bring the most important parts with you › Music, books, running shoes, movies, camera  If you’re uncertain and want more guidance, consider talking to a counselor to gain more clarity or learn strategies in advance

4  Honeymoon Period  Adjustment Period  New Routine  Familiarize yourself with the environment, laws, and safety concerns.  Immerse yourself!!! › Notice differences between new and old culture. › Don’t be afraid of them. Instead, savor them!!

5  If it’s still hard… › Reach out to your program lead › Try to figure out what is causing the most distress › Understand your resources › Consult with the Counseling Center  Website and social media (@CUACounseling) for resources and tips for adjusting

6  Can be difficult › Saying goodbye to new friends and leaving a home › Trying to share your experience with others  Tips: › Before returning home, make sure to do most of your “last time” requests (last time visiting your favorite restaurant, last time going out with a particular group of friends) and say goodbye in whatever way feels best for you › Find ways to keep your experience abroad alive– make a photo album, take classes relevant to your experience, plan a visit back, keep in touch with friends

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