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Integrated Planning and Financial Capability 1 David W. Smith, Manager NPDES Permits Section EPA/Region 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Planning and Financial Capability 1 David W. Smith, Manager NPDES Permits Section EPA/Region 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Planning and Financial Capability 1 David W. Smith, Manager NPDES Permits Section EPA/Region 9

2 What is Integrated Planning?  A voluntary opportunity for municipalities to meet CWA requirements by: 2 Identifying efficiencies in stormwater and wastewater programs Sequencing wastewater and stormwater projects to focus on highest priorities first

3 What Integrated Planning is NOT It is not a means to change or lower existing regulatory or permitting standards or requirements, or delay necessary improvements 3

4 2014 Technical Assistance  In October 2014, EPA awarded $335,000 to 5 communities  Durham, NH; Burlington, VT; Onondaga County, NY; Santa Maria, CA; Springfield, MO  Projects are underway and are nearly complete  Short-term goal: Develop integrated plans and make final products useful to other communities  Long-term goal : Use plans and analyses to inform NPDES permit requirements 4

5 Santa Maria, CA Technical Assistance project Decision-support tool for integrated water resource management Addresses multiple and interrelated wastewater, stormwater, and other WQ issues Evaluates multi-benefit projects for consideration Tool produces composite project scores to guide investment priority setting 5 EPA Technical Assistance recipient

6 Coming soon! Technical Assistance Tools Final products from all projects will be posted on EPA’s integrated planning webpage in early 2016 6 Stakeholder engagement strategy guide Project ranking and prioritization tool Tool to help better integrate stormwater resources between co-permittees Guide on characterizing the value of water resources

7 2014 Financial Capability Assessment (FCA) Framework Discusses different methods for evaluating community financial capability to fund water infrastructure Clarifes flexibility under existing FCA Guidance 7

8 FCA Framework: Elements 1997 Guidance provides a common basis. 2% Median Household Income not a rigid threshold. EPA will consider all CWA costs, including stormwater costs, in the residential indicator. EPA will consider SDWA obligations as part of financial capability indicators. 8

9 How can affordability be considered?  Length of compliance schedules to implement new permit requirements  Evaluation of attainability of water quality beneficial uses  Enforcement actions and remedies  Not a basis to eliminate most WQ requirements 9

10 Trends in Municipal Permits  MS4 permits – focus on TMDLs  Green Infrastructure  Multi-purpose projects (stormwater capture, GreenStreets)  Trading/Crediting 10

11 Financial Planning Assistance For Communities  Workshops for Permittees and Funders  Innovative Funding Guidance (e.g. Public-Private Partnerships)  One-On-One Planning Support  Support for Stormwater Trading  What would help your community? 11

12 Website & Contact 12 Municipal-Stormwater-and-Wastewater-Plans.cfm Kevin Weiss 202-564-0742 Emily Halter 202-564-3324

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