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Solange Gagnebin, Damian Twerenbold

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1 ETHZ-METAS-PSI Project: Dosimetry for Scanned Proton Therapy Beams with Water Calorimetry
Solange Gagnebin, Damian Twerenbold Sektion Thermometrie und Ionisierende Strahlung Bundesamt für Metrologie METAS 3003 Bern-Wabern Eros Pedroni, David Meer, Silvan Zenklusen, Christian Bula Paul Scherrer Institut, Proton Radiation Therapy Centre, 5232 Villingen

2 Why Dosimetry is so important?
DOSE dose harmful for the patient does not destroy tumors Dose healing of the patient

3 ETHZ - METAS - PSI Project: Goal
Realizing a water calorimeter to determine directly the dose in scanned proton therapy beam at PSI Gantry 2.

4 Plan of the presentation
Principles of Water Calorimetry Dosimetry with ionizing chambers Conclusion and Perspectives

5 Water Calorimetry: Basic Principles
very simple principle: radiation : specific heat capacity of water (very well known, since 1930‘s) absorbed-dose-to-water [Gy = 1 J/kg] at position x Dose-to-water : main advantage: direct determination of dose-to-water

6 METAS Water Calorimeter for Protons
water calorimeter in water phantom sealed water vessel thermistor 250 mm thermistor bead (metal oxide NTC)

7 Schematic scanned proton dose profile in the vessel of the water calorimeter

8 Proton Dosimetry : Results 2008

9 Problem: Water Calorimetry needs a lot of statistics
Now Ideal Measurements 10 about 250(1) Statistical uncertainty 5 % < 1% (1) J. Medin, C. K. Ross, N. V. Klassen, H. Palmans, E. Grussel, J.-E. Grindborg, Phys. Med. Biol. 51 (2006)

10 Nevertheless: Dosimetry has to be SI unit traceable
IAEA-TRS-398 protocol: Calibration factor of the ionizing chambers calculated correction factors kQ Co60 radiation and water calorimeter Verification with indirect method using ionizing chambers only.

11 Dosimetry: Ionizing chamber
beam qualities and ionizing chamber dependent on the calibration factor Beam MU: monitor units water tank

12 Determination of the calibration factor
kQ factor determines the transition from Co-60 to the user‘s beam quality measured Co-60 beam

13 Experimental verification of factor
Measurements in July 2009 DW drops when performing relative measurements measured at METAS Co-60 with ionizing chamber measured at PSI proton beam with ionizing chamber For the same dose: Journal of the ICRU, Vol. 7, No 2, Report 78, Oxford University Press, 2007.

14 Conclusion and Perspectives
First results show good agreement between calculated dose-to-water as determined by ionizing chamber and measured with water calorimeter However, Water Calorimetry needs a lot of statistics An alternative is to verify the calibration factors of ionizing chambers with an indirect method => Measurements at PSI Gantry 2 July 2009: Dosimetry with Ionizing Chambers to verify the correction factor kQ

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