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Tech Pack In Action : Analyze a Scenario Groups 1 & 2.

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1 Tech Pack In Action : Analyze a Scenario Groups 1 & 2

2 Scenario Ms. Chou is a high school English teacher who has been teaching for ten years. She has always been concerned about the poor quality of her students’ writing and is challenged to motivate them. She would like to have her students do audio or video interviews of local people who write for a living. Then have the students create an online hypermedia environment that describes their findings.

3 Tech Pack Components: What is Known:What must be learned: Technology-No experience with hypermedia - Working collaboratively Digital Audio- Video Hypermedia PedagogyHer students are uninterested in writing. How to communicate in a digital language. Content- She has a major in English. - Her assessments of her students’ writing is poor. -Students will investigate and learn what real writers do. - Assess their use of online hypermedia and their writing skills

4 Some contextual issues Ms. Chou must address to implement this new strategy: Teaching the students proper interviewing and questioning skills. Questions must be submitted by the students prior to their interviews for approval. Teaching the students how to use and take care of the equipment properly. Clear goals and objectives should be determined prior to the assignment.

5 Some logistical issues Ms. Chou must address to implement this new strategy: Support and availability of her colleague is very important in order for her to learn how to teach her students. The teacher needs to determine where on line her students will submit their assignment. She needs to make sure the students have access to the digital equipment and to a computer lab. Who are the writers they will interview? Where will the interviews take place?

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