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FIGHTING SHADOWS Protecting National Security and Critical Infrastructure against the Unknown Katri Liekkilä (KTM), SMVIR/SM5 MPKK / Huoltovarmuuskeskus.

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Presentation on theme: "FIGHTING SHADOWS Protecting National Security and Critical Infrastructure against the Unknown Katri Liekkilä (KTM), SMVIR/SM5 MPKK / Huoltovarmuuskeskus."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIGHTING SHADOWS Protecting National Security and Critical Infrastructure against the Unknown Katri Liekkilä (KTM), SMVIR/SM5 MPKK / Huoltovarmuuskeskus M.M.Sc Thesis

2 In this presentation Research background and motivation Theoretical frame of reference Research design and data Preliminary findings Status of research Framework model under construction

3 Research background and motivation National security and critical infrastructure tightly knitted in modern societies Ownership of critical infrastructure Disruptions Responsibility over national security = Responsibility over critical infrastructure (protection)?

4 Research questions (ATM) Does a combination of risk management and resilience offer the best qualifications for nations to protect critical infrastructure under disruption? – If yes, do risk management and resilience exists simultaneously are therefore complimentary? – If not, which one is more important during disruption? – What are the key differences between risk management and resilience? What confirms the existence of resilience in a nation? – Can resilience be fostered? Is PPP related to critical infrastructure protection part of risk management, resilience or both? – What is the relevance of suitable objectives for private actors when deciding their engagement in critical infrastructure protection?

5 Theoretical frame of reference Uncertainty Risks Resilience Public- private partnerships (PPP) Their relationship with 1) National security and critical infrastructure protection 2) Each other

6 Research design and data Abductive research logic -Dialogue between phenomenon and theory -Logic of discovery Research rounds -Theory (theoretical propositions) -Thematic mapping -Interviews  case study- like set up Data - Finland, France, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland - National documentation and interviews

7 Preliminary findings National security strategy = risk management + scenario planning.  Theory: risk management unsuitable for unknown disruptions Uncertainty: Risk management leads to Resilience  Theory: Different methodologies for risk management and resilience, mean-effect relationship not possible Resilience undefined and debated  Suggestion: should be defined by user when used PPP and private sector engagement in CIP mandatory  No established definitions for purpose or objectives Notion of threats

8 Status of research Theoretical frame of reference Thematic mapping Interviews – in process…

9 Framework model under construction

10 Thank You Questions and comments appreciated

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