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England England is situated in the southern and central parts of Great Britain. England is mostly a lowland country. There are upland regions in the north.

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Presentation on theme: "England England is situated in the southern and central parts of Great Britain. England is mostly a lowland country. There are upland regions in the north."— Presentation transcript:

1 England England is situated in the southern and central parts of Great Britain. England is mostly a lowland country. There are upland regions in the north and the southwest. England is often subdivided into three parts: the South, the Midlands and the North.


3 The capital of England, Great Britain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is London.

4 The Pennine Chain extends southward from the Cheviot Hills into the Midlands, a plains region with low hills and valleys.

5 The Lake District in Northern England with its lakes, mountains and valleys is famous as a popular holiday place.  The chief rivers of England are the Thames, the Trent.

6 The chief cities of England are Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Leeds, Newcastle, Plymouth, Bath, Portsmouth.

7 Where, in your opinion, is most of England’s population concentrated? Give your reasons.

8 Scotland is the northern part of Great Britain. It may be divided into the Highlands, the Lowlands and the Southern Uplands.


10 Edinburgh The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.

11 The highest peak of the Northern Highlands is Ben Nevis in the Grampian Mountains. This area contains much of the most beautiful lochs, moorlands and mountains.

12 The central Lowlands include the valleys of the rivers - the Tay, the Clyde and the Fourth.

13 The chief cities of Scotland are Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee

14 What do you think makes Scotland a country interesting for visitors?

15 Wales is the most westerly part of mainland, bordered on the east by England. It is the smallest land of the UK. But it has considerable variety, from the picturesque mountains of the north to the industrial areas of the south. It may be divided into North Wales and South Wales.


17 Cardiff The capital of Wales is Cardiff.

18 The chief cities are Swansea, Newport, Cardigan.

19 The pride of Wales in scenery is Snowdonia, a region of high mountains in the north of the country. South Wales is a land of high hills and wide valleys. The Cumbrian Mountains Snowdon

20 The chief river of Wales is the Severn.

21 What do you think makes Scotland a country interesting for visitors?


23 Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland (or the Emerald Isle) lying in the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of Great Britain. Northern Ireland is Northern Ireland is called Ulster.


25 The landscape of Northern Ireland is gentle. It is a land of lakes, rivers and a varied sea coast.

26 Belfast The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

27 The chief cities of Northern Ireland are Londonderry, Lisburn.

28 What new information about this country did you get?

29 England is often subdivided into three parts: the South, the Midlands and the North. Part of the country Climate Industry / agriculture Remarkable places The South The Midlands The North

30 Scotland may be divided into the Highlands, the Lowlands and the Southern Uplands. Part of the country Climate Industry / agriculture Remarkable places The Highlands The Lowlands The Southern Uplands.

31 Wales may be divided into North Wales and South Wales. Part of the country Climate Industry / agriculture Remarkable places North Wales South Wales

32 Northern Ireland Part of the country Climate Industry / agriculture Remarkable places Northern Ireland Northern Ireland

33 Compare these countries EnglandScotlandWalesNorthernIreland 1. Essential differences 2.Landscape 3.Remarkable places

34 EnglandScotland Wales Northern Ireland


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