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Building Foundations: Fedora, Fez, and the ADR prepared by Jessica Branco Colati ADR Project Director, Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries

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Presentation on theme: "Building Foundations: Fedora, Fez, and the ADR prepared by Jessica Branco Colati ADR Project Director, Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Foundations: Fedora, Fez, and the ADR prepared by Jessica Branco Colati ADR Project Director, Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries presented at Institutional Repositories: Disseminating, Promoting, and Preserving Scholarship Utah State University September 30, 2009

2 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance2 TRAC CRL’s Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification: Criteria and Checklist Aligns with Open Archives Information Systems (OAIS) Reference Model Measures trustworthiness of repositories in three areas –Section A : Organizational Infrastructure –Section B : Digital Object Management –Section C : Technologies, Technical Infrastructure, & Security

3 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance3 Digital Object Repository Architecture (Fedora, Infrastructure) Policies Standards & Best Practices Community

4 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance4 Fedora Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture Mellon-funded development at Cornell and UVA Now under the stewardship of Fedora Commons and DuraSpace Architecture defines a set of abstractions for expressing digital objects, inter-object relationships, and behaviors/services Software provides core functionalities –Web-based services w/APIs –Searching support and OAI-PMH exposure –Preservation metadata creation and extraction

5 Fedora Digital Object Model: Architectural View (From presentation: Sandy Payette, March 19, 2003, ISTEC Symposium, Brazil) Persistent ID (PID) Disseminators SystemMetadata Datastreams Globally unique persistent id Public view: access methods for obtaining “disseminations” of digital object content Internal view: metadata necessary to manage the object Protected view: content that makes up the “basis” of the object

6 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance6 Fedora Administrator

7 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance7 Policies Standards & Best Practices Community Digital Object Management Tools (Fedora and Fez) Digital Object Repository Architecture (Fedora, Infrastructure)

8 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance8 Policies Standards & Best Practices Community “Out of the Box”- yet customizable- submission web forms and workflows (Fez) Digital Object Management Tools (Fedora and Fez) Digital Object Repository Architecture (Fedora, Infrastructure)

9 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance9 Fez Offers a PHP / MySQL front-end to the Fedora repository software Developed by the University of Queensland Library as an open source project hosted on SourceForge

10 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance10 Fez Functionality Authentication and Authorization support, building on access controls –LDAP/AD and Shibboleth Customizable role-based publishing workflows and submission forms Customizable web interface and search key mappings –Smarty PHP templates

11 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance11 Fez Object Managements: Metadata and XSDs Any metadata schema can be mapped and referenced in Fez using references between XSDs Using Fez XSDs and forms, metadata can be updated in Fedora Objects XSDs supporting Search Key mappings, as well as OAI exposure

12 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance12 Policies Standards & Best Practices Community Discovery and Access Tools (Fedora, Fez, Others) “Out of the Box”- yet customizable- submission web forms and workflows (Fez) Digital Object Management Tools (Fedora, Fez) Digital Object Repository Architecture (Fedora, Infrastructure)

13 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance13 Policies Standards & Best Practices Community Scoped and Branded Portals (Fez) Discovery and Access Tools (Fedora, Fez, Others) “Out of the Box”- yet customizable- submission web forms and workflows (Fez) Digital Object Management Tools (Fedora, Fez) Digital Object Repository Architecture (Fedora, Infrastructure)

14 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance14

15 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance15

16 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance16

17 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance17

18 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance18

19 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance19 Alliance Digital Repository Service Builds on Fedora – Fez architectures Customizes functionalities to meet members’ needs –Customizes deposit workflows and forms –Provides metadata mapping (XSLs) and METS-based batch ingest services –Core object type XSDs in-line with national standards and local best practices Developing LDAP and Shibboleth configurations to support authentication and authorization Integrating server-side viewers and players for all media types

20 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance20 Policies Standards & Best Practices Community Consortial Aggregator and “Google-esque” Exposure (Fez, Others) Scoped and Branded Portals (Fez) Discovery and Access Tools (Fedora, Fez, Others) “Out of the Box”- yet customizable- submission web forms and workflows (Fez) Digital Object Management Tools (Fedora, Fez) Digital Object Repository Architecture (Fedora, Infrastructure)

21 2009.09.30USU IR Day - Fedora - Alliance21 Thank you! URLs: Contact:

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