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Primo Normalization Rules 101 Ray Henry, Chair Normalization Rules Working Group

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Presentation on theme: "Primo Normalization Rules 101 Ray Henry, Chair Normalization Rules Working Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primo Normalization Rules 101 Ray Henry, Chair Normalization Rules Working Group

2 What we’ll cover today:

3 What are normalization rules? When are they applied? What do they control? How do they work in our shared environment?

4 What are normalization rules?

5 Normalization rules: Are in both Alma and Primo Act on existing data using a variety of operations

6 Primo Normalization rules: Are needed for every data source that gets added (PCI, WorldCat, EBSCO, local repository, Alma records)

7 Primo normalization rules for Alma records

8 When are normalization rules applied?

9 Normalization rules are applied: At the beginning of the process of adding records to Primo (normalization, enrichment, publishing)

10 What do normalization rules control?

11 Normalization rules control: What data go into which sections of the PNX (Primo Normalized XML) record

12 Normalization rules: Can be viewed (not edited) by institutional Primo Administrators Are managed Alliance-wide by Ex Libris, Alliance staff, and the Normalization Rules Working Group in Primo Back Office

13 Viewing in Primo Back Office:

14 Normalization rules - PNX sections:

15 Primo display vs PNX: an example

16 Primo display:

17 To see the PNX: Open the Details tab in a new window, and add &showPnx=true to the end of the URL in the address bar

18 PNX (showing sections only):

19 NR PNX sections again:

20 PNX (expanded):

21 Primo display again:

22 Controlled by NRs: Local subjects – search and display


24 Controlled by NRs: eBooks currently show as books


26 How do normalization rules work in our shared environment?

27 The key difference: For most rule changes, what impacts one institution impacts them all

28 Changes need to be coordinated with ExL processes: Renormalization (renorm) to have rules applied to all records Reindex to add/remove from search

29 Normalization Rules Working Group: Supports this complex process functional%20areas/discovery/normali zation_rules_wg/


31 Any other questions?

32 Thanks for attending! Normalization Rules Working Group

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