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California Energy Commission 1 TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR INCREASING ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN EXISTING BUILDINGS California Energy Commission Request for Proposals.

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Presentation on theme: "California Energy Commission 1 TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR INCREASING ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN EXISTING BUILDINGS California Energy Commission Request for Proposals."— Presentation transcript:

1 California Energy Commission 1 TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR INCREASING ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN EXISTING BUILDINGS California Energy Commission Request for Proposals RFP #15-402 Pre-Bid Conference Date: March 28, 2016

2 California Energy Commission 2 Proposal Requirements REQUIRED FORMAT FOR PROPOSAL RESPONSE Consists of Two Sections  Section 1 – Administrative Response  Section 2 – Technical and Cost Proposal

3 California Energy Commission 3 Section 1, Administrative Response Every Proposer must complete and include the following in Section 1, Administrative Response: Cover Letter Table of Contents Contractor Status Form: Attachment 1 Darfur Contracting Act Form: Attachment 2 Small Business Certification (if applicable) (Or Non-Small Business Preference) Completed DVBE forms: Attachment 3 Bidder Declaration Form GSPD-05-105: Attachment 4 Contractor Certification Clauses: Attachment 5 TACPA Forms (if applicable) Iran Contracting Act Form: Attachment 9

4 California Energy Commission 4 Section 2, Technical Proposal Every Proposer must complete and include the following in Section 2. Company/ Team Organization Experience and Qualifications Approach to Tasks in Scope of Work Client References Previous Work Products

5 California Energy Commission 5 Section 2, Cost Proposal Every Proposer must complete and include the budget forms found in Attachment 7 of the solicitation. Direct Labor Fringe Benefits Indirect Costs & Profits Loaded Rate Calculation- Att. 7a Agreement Effort Table- Att. 7b

6 California Energy Commission 6 Small/Non-Small Business Preference Small Business Preference – Certified Small Businesses or microbusinesses can claim the five percent preference when submitting a proposal. See RFP, page 30 for more information. Non-Small Business Preference – Bidder commits to small or micro business subcontractor participation of 25% of net bid price. See RFP, page 32 for more information.

7 California Energy Commission 7 Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Requirements Full DVBE participation (3% of total Agreement amount) Proposer commits to meet or exceed the DVBE participation requirements by either of the following methods: Method A1 – Proposer is a Certified DVBE Method A2 – Subcontractor is a certified DVBE and will receive at least 3% of the Agreement amount

8 California Energy Commission 8 DVBE Incentive Program The DVBE Incentive Program gives a contractor an opportunity to improve their bid status based on the efforts attained from the DVBE Participation Program. See RFP page 29 for more information. The incentive computation is only applied during the evaluation process and only to responsible Bidders. The incentive points for awards based on high score are as follows: –Participation of 3.01% - 3.99% = 1 point –Participation of 4.00%-4.99% = 2 points –Participation of 5.00%-5.99% = 3 points –Participation of 6.00%-6.99% = 4 points –Participation of 7.00% or more = 5 points

9 California Energy Commission 9 Tentative Key Activities and Dates Deadline for Written Questions –March 28, 2016 Distribute Questions/Answers and Addenda (if any) to RFP – April 1, 2016 Deadline to Submit Proposals by 5:00 p.m. – April 18, 2016 Notice of Proposed Award – April 28, 2016 Commission Business Meeting – June 8, 2016

10 California Energy Commission 10 Scope of Work (SOW)

11 California Energy Commission 11 SOW, Task 1: Agreement Management Task 1.1: Kick-off meeting Task 1.2: Prepare Invoices Task 1.3: Manage Subcontractors Task 1.4: Prepare Progress Reports

12 California Energy Commission 12 SOW, Task 2: Market Analyses and Technical Support GOAL: Provide technical support and perform market analyses needed to facilitate increased energy efficiency in existing buildings.

13 California Energy Commission 13 SOW, Task 2: Market Analyses and Technical Support Key areas: 1)Development of Statewide building benchmarking program mandated under AB 802 2)Existing buildings evaluation and development of energy efficiency metrics 3)Data analysis to calculate meter-based energy savings

14 California Energy Commission 14 SOW, Task 2: Market Analyses and Technical Support Key areas: 4)Existing Buildings Standards: Approaches to simplification and increasing compliance 5)Enabling Investor Confidence 6)Existing Buildings Asset rating studies 7)Valuing energy efficiency within the real estate market 8)EE Program assessment studies

15 California Energy Commission 15 SOW, Task 3: Existing Buildings Energy Savings Metrics and Analytics GOAL: Establish effective, data-driven decision- making in the market: Explore data analytics and dissemination options to communicate the effectiveness of EE programs

16 California Energy Commission 16 SOW, Task 3: Existing Buildings Energy Savings Metrics and Analytics Key areas: 1)Establish existing building energy use baselines 2)Develop methods for energy use and efficiency savings analytics and visualizations 3)Identify and document data infrastructure needs for existing buildings programs

17 California Energy Commission Questions and Answers QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION QUESTIONS ARE DUE BY March 28, 2016 17

18 California Energy Commission 18 Whom to Contact? Rachel Grant Kiley California Energy Commission 1516 Ninth Street, MS-18 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 654-4379 (916) 654-4423 (fax)

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