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The information contained in this document is Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information and it shall not – either in its original or in any modified.

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Presentation on theme: "The information contained in this document is Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information and it shall not – either in its original or in any modified."— Presentation transcript:

1 The information contained in this document is Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information and it shall not – either in its original or in any modified form, in whole or in part – be reproduced, disclosed to a third party, or used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied, without the written consent of Volvo Aero Corporation. Any infringement of these conditions will be liable to legal action. Introduction to Project Area Combustor Technology Bernhard Gustafsson Turbokraft Programme Conference, April 10-11, 2008

2 10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Aerothermodynamics, 7161BG. Bernhard Gustafsson 10110 Utg. 9 Introduction of Combustor Technology April 10-11, 2008, Slide 2 Vision and Purpose Vision Thermal processes and turbo machinery are important for the sustainable and robust power supply, and they are efficient, reliable, fuel-flexible and environmentally friendly. Purpose Build technology and competence for the industry and universities within the field of thermal turbo machinery and processes. Attain higher energy efficiency, higher availability, lower operational costs and high fuel flexibility with especially renewable fuels for these machines and processes, so that environmental requirements can be met.

3 10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Aerothermodynamics, 7161BG. Bernhard Gustafsson 10110 Utg. 9 Introduction of Combustor Technology April 10-11, 2008, Slide 3 Goals Improved tools, modelling capabilities and concepts that lead to better energy use and enables fuel flexibility. Development of thermal processes and cycles with considerably higher fuel flexibility and performance. Increase knowledge within critical areas where knowledge is lacking or immature, e.g. renewable low-caloric value gases and liquid bio-fuels. Increase design space, design capability and flexibility. Produce generic knowledge that can be applied to product development and commercialisation.

4 10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Aerothermodynamics, 7161BG. Bernhard Gustafsson 10110 Utg. 9 Introduction of Combustor Technology April 10-11, 2008, Slide 4 What is Combustion? Combustion is the process of converting chemically stored energy - chemical bonds - into thermal energy. The thermal energy can be converted to kinetic energy (propelling jet) or shaft work by e.g. a turbo machine.

5 10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Aerothermodynamics, 7161BG. Bernhard Gustafsson 10110 Utg. 9 Introduction of Combustor Technology April 10-11, 2008, Slide 5 Product support Atmospheric chemistry Solid mechanics Lifing Thermal radiation Data analyis Combustion is multi-disiplinary Thermodynamics Heat and mass transfer Material structure and behavior Mathematics Numerical methods Acoustics Experimental methods Turbulence Chemical kinetics Multi-phase flow Fluid mechanics Combustion

6 10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Aerothermodynamics, 7161BG. Bernhard Gustafsson 10110 Utg. 9 Introduction of Combustor Technology April 10-11, 2008, Slide 6 Steering Committee Bernhard Gustafsson (chairman) Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC) Jenny Larfeldt Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery (SIT) Jens Klingmann Lund University of Technology (LTH) Marcus Aldén Lund University of Technology (LTH) Lars-Erik Eriksson Chalmers University of Technology (CTH) Reza Fahkrai The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

7 10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Aerothermodynamics, 7161BG. Bernhard Gustafsson 10110 Utg. 9 Introduction of Combustor Technology April 10-11, 2008, Slide 7 Projects Experimental investigation of syngas combustion at high pressure Jens Klingmann*, Marcus Aldén and Robert Collin Division of Combustion Physics *Division of Thermal Power Engineering Faculty of Engineering, LTH Lund University Experimental studies of low calorific value fuels, e.g. from coal or wood gasification, with the aim of obtaining practical knowledge on gas turbine combustion of non- traditional fuels. Generate knowledge on flame position/flashback properties of generic fuels (CH 4 /H 2 /CO/inert) mixtures, and secondly to provide a limited number of relatively complete, high quality data-sets for evaluation of CFD models.

8 10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Aerothermodynamics, 7161BG. Bernhard Gustafsson 10110 Utg. 9 Introduction of Combustor Technology April 10-11, 2008, Slide 8 Projects Analysis of thermo-acoustic properties of combustors including liner wall modeling Lars-Erik Eriksson Compressible flow and Aero-acoustics group Division of Fluid Dynamics Department of Applied Mechanics Chalmers University of Technology Modelling of phenomena often referred to as “pressure oscillations” or “combustor instabilities” that are common in combustors of premixed or partially premixed flame type. Development of an analysis techniques capable of detecting potentially dangerous eigenmodes that in combination with combustion leads to a positive feedback situation. Study of wall acoustic treatment (“liners”) which significantly affects modes in the higher frequency ranges (“screech modes”)

9 10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Aerothermodynamics, 7161BG. Bernhard Gustafsson 10110 Utg. 9 Introduction of Combustor Technology April 10-11, 2008, Slide 9 Combustion at Volvo Aero RM12 main combustion chamber and afterburner Space nozzle extensions Acoustic treatments in combustors and ducts Long history of activities related to combustion

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