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Thermochemistry Specific HeatEnthalpyEntropy Gibbs free energy Miscellaneous Questions 10 20 30 40 50.

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1 Thermochemistry Specific HeatEnthalpyEntropy Gibbs free energy Miscellaneous Questions 10 20 30 40 50

2 Specific Heat (10) What is the definition of specific heat?  The energy required to raise 1 gram of a materials temperature by 1 o (C or K)

3 Specific Heat (20) How much heat is absorbed by 60 grams of water if the sample was originally at 50 o C and heated to 75 o C? Cp water is 4.18 J/g o C. 6270 J

4 Specific Heat (30) What is the specific heat 5 g of a material that absorbs 1000J of energy when heated from 35 o C to 85 o C. 4.0 J/g o C

5 Specific Heat (40) What is the mass of a material that has a specific heat of 5.16 j/g o C, absorbs 1.5kJ of energy and changed by 10 o C? 29.07 g

6 Specific Heat (50) A 250.0g sample of metal at 74.0 o C was placed in 117.5g water at 23.4 o C. The final temperature of the water and metal was 33.4 o C If no heat was lost to the surroundings what is the specific heat of the metal? 0.388 J /g C

7 Enthalpy (10) When a reaction takes in energy we call it? Endothermic

8 Enthalpy (20) A combustion reaction is reaction that would have what kind of ∆H sign? Negative

9 Enthalpy (30) When products rest at lower energy and the reactant rest at higher energy, what would you predict about the energy of the reaction? Exothermic

10 Enthalpy (40) What would happen to the energy of the following reaction? Ca(OH) 2 + H 2 SO 4  CaSO 4 + 2H 2 O: ∆ H -4.5 KJ 2 Ca(OH) 2 + 2H 2 SO 4  2CaSO 4 + 4 H 2 O: ∆ H = ?? -9.0 KJ

11 Enthalpy (50) Draw a reaction energy diagram for an endothermic reaction.

12 Entropy (10) What is entropy a measurement of? Randomness or disorder

13 Entropy (20) What are the units for ∆S? J/K or kJ/K

14 Entropy (30) Determine the sign of the entropy: 2KClO 3(s)  2KCl (s) + 3O 2(g) Positive

15 Entropy (40) Determine the sign of the entropy: CH 3 OH (g)  CH 3 OH (l) Negative

16 Entropy (50) Determine the sign of the entropy: CO (g) + H 2 O (g)  CO 2(g) + H 2(g) Can’t tell

17 Gibbs free energy (10) What is the equation for determining Gibbs free energy? ∆G = ∆H – T ∆S

18 Gibbs free energy (20) What does Gibbs free energy stand for and what does it determine? If a reaction is spontaneous or not.

19 Gibbs free energy (30) At 35 o C, ∆H is -2.5 kJ, ∆S- 3.5kJ/K what is ∆G is ? 1,075.5 kJ

20 Gibbs free energy (40) At what temperature would the following reaction occur, ∆H is -2.5 kJ, ∆S- 3.5kJ/K and ∆G is 3200J? 1.63 K

21 Gibbs free energy (50) Determine the ∆H for a reaction when ∆G is -12.5 KJ, ∆S is 3.4kJ/K at 22 o C. -990.5 kJ

22 Miscellaneous (10) What is the definition of heat? Heat is the energy released or absorbed by a material

23 Miscellaneous (20) What is temperature? The measurement of the average kinetic energy of a material.

24 Miscellaneous (30) Chemical energy would be described as? The potential energy stored in a molecule via the chemical bonds

25 Miscellaneous (40) What is the flight name from the show lost? Oceanic flight 815

26 Miscellaneous (50) In return of the jedi what ship does wedge fly? X-wing

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