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Chemical Stoichiometry

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1 209201 Chemical Stoichiometry
References : Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, 7 edition, David. M. Himmerblau and James B. Riggs. ปริมาณสัมพันธ์สำหรับงานอุตสาหกรรม เล่ม 1, รศ. ดร. อนันต์เสวก เห่วซึงเจริญ, ภาควิชาเคมีอุตสาหกรรม, คณะวิทยาศาสตร์, มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่.

2 Introduction

3 Dimensions, Units and Their Conversion
Dimensions : basic concepts of measurement e.g. length, time, mass, temperature, etc.

4 Fundamental (Basic) Dimensions
Dimensions that can be measured independently and are sufficient to describe essential physical quantities. Length, Time, Mass, Temperature, Molar amount

5 Derived Dimensions Dimensions that can be developed in terms of the fundamental dimensions. Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Pressure, Density, Heat Capacity, Energy, Power, etc. Important Note! “Fundamental” or “Derived” – depending also on dimension/unit systems. (ดูตาราง​ 1.1, AH)

6 Units Units : means of expressing dimensions Systems of Units
Length; feet, meters Time; hours, seconds Systems of Units SI : Le Systeme Internationale d’Unites (International System) AE : American Engineering USCS : U.S. Conventional System Metric systems : CGS (centimeters, grams, seconds) English system (ดูตาราง​ 1.2, ตาราง 1.3 และภาคผนวก 1, AH)

7 SI Prefixes (Remember!)
G, giga, 109 M, mega, 106 k, kilo, 103 h, hecto, 102 da, deka, 101 d, deci, 10-1 c, centi, 10-2 m, milli, 10-3 μ, micro, 10-6 n, nano, 10-9

8 Caution! camel’s hair brush :
camel’s – hair brush or camel’s hair – brush? Written with confusion ms – milliseconds or meter seconds? cm2 – square centimeters or centi square meters? Written without confusion m.s or (m)(s) (cm)2

9 Operations with Units Addition, Substraction, Equality
only they are the same 2 kg + 1 kg = 3 kg 5 kg + 3 J 10 kg + 5 g Multiplication and Division be canceled or merged if they are identical m2/m -> m (kg)(m)/(s) m2/cm Nonlinear Operations sin, log, exp, … for simplicity, transform or scale variables to be dimensionless before apply nonlinear operations log (r m) = log r + log m log (r m / R m) = log r + log m – log R – log m = log r – log R = log(r/R)

10 Conversion of Units and Conversion Factors
Many sources – web sites, mobile applications, CD, handbooks, etc. – find a very good one and keep for your academic life and career. For conversion or calculation, be systematic in writing. Prefer format :

11 Caution! There are several “miles”, “pounds”, “gallon”, “oz”, and “barrel”. U.S. frequent-flier mile (nautical mile) -> 1.85 km U.S. mile -> 1.61 km Ancient Italian mile -> 37 modern U.S. miles

12 Special Attention : Mass and Force
Newton’s Law F = ma or F = Cma F = force C = constant or conversion factor, whose numerical value and units depend on those selected for F, m and a m = mass a = acceleration

13 Special Attention : Mass and Force
AE system Make the numerical value of the force and the mass be essentially the same at the earth’s surface. 1 lbf : the unit of force when 1 lbm is accelerated at g ft/s2 gc is a conversion factor (to cancel the numerical value of g).

14 Special Attention : Mass and Force
1 kgf : the unit of force when 1 kgm is accelerated at g m/s2 gc is a conversion factor (to cancel the numerical value of g).

15 Special Attention : Mass and Force
SI system 1 Newton (N) : the unit of force when 1 kg is accelerated at 1 m/s2

16 Examples (P3, DMH) Determine the kinetic energy of one pound of fluid moving in a pipe at the speed of 3 feet per second. Ans (ft)(lbf)

17 Examples (P4, DMH) Convert the following from AE to SI units:
4 lbm/ft to kg/m 1.00 lbm/(ft3)(s) to kg/(m3)(s) Ans. (a) 5.96 kg/m; (b) 16.0 kg/(m3)(s)

18 Examples (P5, DMH) Convert 1.57x10-2 g/(cm)(s) to lbm/(ft)(s)
Ans. 1.06x10-3 lbm/(ft)(s)

19 Dimensional Consistency (Homogeneity)
Both terms must have the same unit as d. 0.021 must have the unit of time. This cannot be correct. The lefthand side has units of 1/x, but the righthand side has units of x2 (the product of ax).

20 Examples (P1, DMH) An orifice meter is used to measure the rate of flow of a fluid in pipes. The flow rate is related to the pressure drop by the following equation where u = fluid velocity ΔP = pressure drop (force per unit area) ρ = density of the flowing fluid c = constant Ans. c is dimensionless.

21 Examples (P2, DMH) The thermal conductivity k of a liquid metal is predicted via the empirical equation k = A exp (B/T) where k is in J/(s)(m)(K) and A and B are constants. What are the units of A and B? Ans. A has the same units as k; B has the units of T

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