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Mendelian Genetics. Gregor Mendel Who? – Austrian monk (1865), “Father of Genetics” What? – Pea plants Why? – Reproduce quickly – Many, different observable.

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Presentation on theme: "Mendelian Genetics. Gregor Mendel Who? – Austrian monk (1865), “Father of Genetics” What? – Pea plants Why? – Reproduce quickly – Many, different observable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mendelian Genetics

2 Gregor Mendel Who? – Austrian monk (1865), “Father of Genetics” What? – Pea plants Why? – Reproduce quickly – Many, different observable traits – Ability to self-fertilize OR cross fertilize

3 Monohybrid Cross Tall Plant X Short Plant TT tt Tall plants Tt Tt Tt Tt Tall plants X Tall plants Tt Tt Tall Tall Tall Short TT Tt t T tt Parent generation F1 generation (first offspring) F2 generation (second offspring)

4 What did he learn? “characters” which became known as “genes” Passed traits in pairs: T=tall; t=short T = dominant t = recessive

5 TermDefinitionDrawing/Example Chromosome Contains the genes Gene Segment of DNA (usually on chromosome) that codes for a specific trait Trait Specific characteristic Height (tall, short) Allele One of different forms of a gene T, t Dominant Trait that shows even when only one allele is present TT, Tt =tall Recessive Trait that ONLY shows when both alleles are present tt = short Homozygous 2 of the same alleles TT or tt Heterozygous 2 different alleles Tt Phenotype Traits visible Tall, short Genotype Alleles present TT, Tt, = tall tt = short

6 Punnett Squares T t tt

7 Practice Trait Dominant Allele Recessive Allele ShapeRound, RWrinkled, r Color of peaYellow, YGreen, y HeightTall, TShort, t

8 Why is this possible? MitosisMeiosis Cell reproduction=passes DNA on to new cells, therefore genes and traits are carried from cell to cell Formation of sex cells (egg, sperm or gametes)=creates haploid cells to allow for diploid fertilization Allows for “mixing” of traits between parents for offspring and in crossing over before forming gametes=BIODIVERSITY

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