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Talking about modern agriculture and why it matters.

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Presentation on theme: "Talking about modern agriculture and why it matters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Talking about modern agriculture and why it matters.

2 Tell Me More Offers employees and allies of the crop protection and agricultural industry educational materials and talking points to enhance their knowledge and improve their comfort in discussing issues related to modern agriculture; Provides easy access to materials that supplement your knowledge and can be shared with others.

3 Be a Spokesperson for Agriculture Past surveys show that approximately half of employees in the crop protection industry feel comfortable speaking about their industry outside of the workplace; Many employees indicated they do not always acknowledge working in the pesticide industry; Fewer Americans today experience a connection with local farms and farmers…where can they turn for information?

4 With all the negative media surrounding modern agriculture, it’s important that the industry unites its voice and communicates positive, factual messages!

5 Resources

6 Monthly Newsletters Each newsletter highlights an issue that is relevant to readers and the work they do, and typically includes a conversation starter, benefits study and other resources; Recent newsletter topics include: Seed treatment technology; Agricultural smartphone apps; Conservation practices; and Precision agriculture.

7 Blog Features testimonials as well as articles on current events and trends. In 2013, the blog also featured “80 Things You Need to Know about Agriculture.”

8 Infographics Downloadable graphic visualizations of relevant modern ag info; Easy-to-share on social media channels; Current CLA infographics include: precision agriculture and conservation.

9 Posters Showcase modern agriculture advancements and individuals or groups that exemplify modern agriculture through their work and advocacy.

10 Presentations Provide information on the benefits of crop protection products and advancements in modern agriculture towards improved innovation, safety and stewardship.

11 Publications “From Lab to Label” –EPA’s pesticide registration and review process “Modern Agriculture, Sustainable Solutions” –Contributions to biodiversity and environmental stewardship “The Contribution of Crop Protection Products to the United States Economy” –Economic benefits of crop protection products

12 Masters in Modern Agriculture (MMA) Program geared to grow new spokespeople for modern agriculture; Participants complete online quizzes that address: –Sustainability; –Safety and regulation; –Everyday facts and figures from the Tell Me More posters; –News articles. Participants submit an essay that is published on the Tell Me More blog.

13 Your involvement is key! Who better to tell the story of modern agriculture than the people who are advancing it every day?

14 “I believe it should be a passion for everyone in agriculture to tell their story and bring people as close to the farm as possible, whether it is through a story or an actual visit.” – John, MMA recipient from San Angelo, TX

15 Engage with CLA Online WebsiteTwitterFacebook YouTube FlickrLinkedIn

16 Contact CLA Mary Emma Young –Director of Communications & Marketing – –202-872-3864 Sarah Macedo –Manager, New Media Content – –202-872-3875

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