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Doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 1 Preferred Channel for Power Saving Notice: This document has been prepared to assist.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 1 Preferred Channel for Power Saving Notice: This document has been prepared to assist."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 1 Preferred Channel for Power Saving Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.11. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at.http:// 2006-JUL-20 Authors :

2 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 2 Introduction Many new battery powered, phone-like devices for WLAN VoIP are entering the market. Since WLAN geographic coverage is very limited (compared to cellular), these devices will use much power in channel scanning to locate an available network. Standardized Channel Selection practices can save significant power (>80%) by limiting the number of channels scanned during initial network discovery. New Preferred Channel defined here does this.

3 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 3 OUTLINE Currently Specified Channel Space New Preferred Channel Definition Use of Preferred Channel Power Savings using Preferred Channel Other Considerations Implementation Example Straw Poll

4 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 4 Currently Specified Channel Space Per Annex J in draft 6.0 of 802.11ma Specification and including TGk draft 4.1. NEW CONCEPT: Define one channel in each Regulatory Class as the "Preferred Channel" and insure there is always activity on that channel. An Idle Preferred Channel means that all channels in that Regulatory Class are idle. This greatly speeds Network Discovery.

5 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 5 Preferred Channel Definition for 2.4GHz In USA or Europe need to scan only 1 channel. In Japan need to scan only only 2 channels: 1& 14. If Region is unknown, need to scan only 2 channels: 1 & 14. Power is saved by scanning only 1 or 2 channels instead of 14, ===> 85% less scanning.

6 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 6 Preferred Channel Definition for 5 GHz In USA need to scan only 8 of 41 channels (80% less). In Europe need to scan only 3 of 19 channels (84% less). In Japan need to scan only 6 of 32 channels (81% less). If unknown, need to scan only 14 of 73 channels (81% less).

7 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 7 Power Savings for Network Discovery Power savings is obtained by reducing number of scanned channels when searching for available BSS when STA is not connected to any network. Power savings of 80-85% is guaranteed no matter what scanning mode or scanning period is used by the STA. APs monitor Preferred Channel for the operating Regulatory Class and ensure that Preferred Channel is active. STAs which passively scan a Preferred Channel and detect no activity need not scan any other channels in that regulatory class. For mobile STAs out of radio range of any WLAN, network discovery is the only STA task and consumes 100% of the terminal's power. For these STAs, power savings is very significant and can multiply standby time by a factor of 5 !!

8 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 8 Net Discovery in Dual Mode STAs WIFI covers 10% of cities, 1% of states >90% of dual mode STAs doing net discovery MAJOR Impact on dual mode product standby time. Cellular Metro Coverage area WIFI Metro Coverage area Metro Coverage area

9 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 9 Network Entry Process Scan all channels Find Beacon Get AP Channel Report Scan other channels Select BSS/channel Associate Get Neighbor report Scan preferred channels Get Beacon on NetAd channel Get AP Channel Report Scan other channels Select BSS/channel Associate Get Neighbor report X n X 1 Without Preferred Chan With Preferred Chan For dual mode roaming STA, up to 90% of time spent in first step. Use of Preferred Channel reduces power by >80% in first step. (.8 savings x.9 time: significant !)

10 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 10 Use of Preferred Channel Preferred channel is favored when selecting channel for BSS operation. NEW RULES: 1. AP will select Preferred Channel for operation unless: a. it is already in use b. it is unsuitable based on the AP's channel selection rules c. it has unacceptable interference, or is otherwise unsuitable. 2. AP operating on non-preferred channel shall: a. monitor Preferred Channel for continued activity b. if Preferred Channel is inactive, AP shall select STAs for Net Advice duty on Preferred Channel 3. STAs selected for Net Advice duty shall: a. share responsibility for transmitting Net Advice on preferred channel. b. on-duty STA shall transmit Net Advice frame once each beacon period for an entire Net Advice Interval

11 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 11 NET ADVICE FRAME If no BSS is operating on preferred Channel, Net advice frames are transmitted at the beacon rate and "point to" operating BSS channel. Net Advice always transmitted at lowest rate and highest power. Net Advice frame advertises the operating BSS of the on-duty STA: Country, Regulatory Class, and BSS Channel values are for the BSS in which the on-duty STA is associated. TXIDs and Timing provide information to coordinate the continued provision of Net Advice frames on the channel: Current TXID: lowest byte of MAC address of transmitting STA Next TXID: lowest byte of MAC address of next STA to transmit Net Ad interval: period in which on-duty STA transmits Net Ad frames Next Start: countdown to beginning of next Net Advice Interval

12 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 12 European Radar Regulations Regulations prohibiting WLAN transmissions when radars are operating must always be followed. Where regulations apply, an AP initiating Net Advice transmissions on an idle Preferred Channel shall first "clear" the channel. On-duty STAs transmitting Net Advice on the Preferred Channel shall/may continue to monitor for radar activity. STA doing network discovery which detects radar on Preferred Channel shall scan all other channels for that Regulatory Class, i.e. fallback to current practice.

13 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 13 Shared Burden for Net Advice Every STA has capability bit and enabled bit for Net Advice functions. Capability bit is static configuration, enabled bit is set/reset. The AP may set/reset the Net Advice Enabled bit for these capable STAs to assign Net Advice duties on the Preferred Channel. The AP may assume the duty and/or may select a number of STAs to share the duty to transmit the Net Advice frames. The AP should not select battery limited STAs for Net Advice duty. Selected STAs shall use a defined coordination technique to pass Net Advice duty from one STA to the next, each STA providing Net Advice frames for a single Net Advice Interval. STA providing Net Advice shall have flexibility in scheduling its off- channel Net Advice duties along with its normal BSS operations. If multiple BSSs are operating in the same regulatory class, selected STAs from all BSSs shall share duty to provide Net Advice frames.

14 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 14 NetAd Duty Example All STAs in "pool" for NetAd duty randomly select time within next NetAd Interval for baton pass procedure. Each STA in "pool" executes baton pass procedure at the selected time. First STA to do baton pass gets duty assignment for next NetAd Interval. This "shares" NetAd burden among all TGv STAs from ALL BSSs in local area, even without the need for a TGv AP. Operating Chan Net Ad Interval Beacon IntervalPreferred Chan On-Duty Net Ad- Next STA Net Ad+ On-Duty Net Ad+ Net Ad Duty Baton Pass On-duty STA channel switch to preferred channel

15 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 15 Conclusions This simple channel use convention can save significant power for STAs doing network discovery, multiplying standby time by a factor of 5. New Net Advice function provides information on Preferred Channel to speed network discovery. AP manages resources for Net Advice so that per-STA implementation burden is very low. Net Advice on Preferred Channel is proposed in TGv for power savings STRAW POLL FOR SUPPORT

16 doc: IEEE 802.11-06/xxxxr0July 2006 Submission Joe Kwak, InterDigital 16 STRAW POLL Do you support use of Net Advice on designated Preferred Channels to improve STA power savings? YES _______ NO _______ ABSTAIN _______

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