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Peer Marking Islam & Equality Whole class practise.

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3 Peer Marking


5 Islam & Equality

6 Whole class practise

7 Islam, other religions and forgiveness

8 ‘‘I respect you as a person, but can not accept your religion as true…we don’t need to fight!’’ Islam teaches that all people deserve respect and should be treated in an appropriate manner. However, their religious beliefs can not be accepted as true. They must however, nor be forced to change these beliefs and views. “There is no compulsion where the religion is concerned.” (Holy Quran: 2/ 256)

9 Surah 2 of the Qur’an makes an exception for ‘People of the Book’. Jews, Christians and Sabians are all classed as people of the book and therefore of they worship one God, behave morally and are righteous then they will have their reward with God (a place in heaven. This position is only given to these religions and not for example Hindus, Buddhists or Sikhs. Can you think why this may be? People of the Book



12 Islam is a proselytising religion, just like Christianity, that actively aims to spread the news and word of the faith in order to save others. Proselytising – attempting to convert others to their belief In the UK, there is a vibrant street Dawah scene (Dawah means invitation in Arabic)

13 ‘‘Religious people should not be allowed to try and convert you to their faith’’

14 Reversion not conversion

15 Damien or Abdul Karim as he is now known, is a Muslim revert. The term revert is used as it is a belief in Islam that all humans are born with a sense of right and wrong, and virtue. Essentially, we are all born Muslims but our upbringing and experiences change this. The first Prophet was Adam (pbuh) and we are all his descendants. Therefore the term for those who come to Islam is ‘revert’ rather than ‘convert’

16 Damien or Abdul Karim as he is now known, is a Muslim revert. The term revert is used as it is a belief in Islam that all humans are born with a sense of right and wrong, and virtue. Essentially, we are all born Muslims but our upbringing and experiences change this. The first Prophet was Adam (pbuh) and we are all his descendants. Therefore the term for those who come to Islam is ‘revert’ rather than ‘convert’

17 The term revert is used as it is a belief in Islam that all humans are born with a sense of right and wrong, and virtue. Essentially, we are all born Muslims but our upbringing and experiences change this.


19 Forgiveness and Reconciliation Reconciliation Sexism Inter faith dialogue Repentance Proselytising Discrimination Equality Racism


21 The Tipton Three Shakar Aamer

22 Forgiveness and Reconciliation Muslims believe that they should follow the example of Allah and be forgiving Surah 1:1 – ‘In the name of Allah the most compassionate, the most merciful’’ Is Guantanamo Bay to big to forgive?

23 Shari’ah Shari’ah law is based on the Qur’an. It was created by early Muslim jurists. It aims to protect both victims and the accused. Punishments must be suitable and appropriate for the crime committed.

24 Theft

25 Sex outside marriage

26 Murder

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