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Activity…  Design an emergency plan to protect people (ex. LRHS students or people attending a concert) from an attack.  If an attack were to occur,

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Presentation on theme: "Activity…  Design an emergency plan to protect people (ex. LRHS students or people attending a concert) from an attack.  If an attack were to occur,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity…  Design an emergency plan to protect people (ex. LRHS students or people attending a concert) from an attack.  If an attack were to occur, what steps would you take to minimize damage? You might want to consider the recent events in Europe to help with this.


3 Immune System  Protects the body from  Pathogens  Certain toxins  Immune response recognizes foreign or dangerous molecules and works to eliminate them  Nonspecific (innate)  Specific (acquired)  Communication & Coordination KEY!!

4 The Invaders...  Bacteria  Viruses  Parasites such as fungi, protista, & worms


6 Barriers: 1 st Line of Defense  Physical and Chemical  Prevent pathogen from entering

7 What keeps invaders from entering?  The Integumentary System…  Skin  Mucous membranes  Mucous  Resident microfauna  How can they help?

8 Other Barrier Defenses:  Physiological variables  pH of our environment  temperature of our environment  Chemical defenses:  Defensins – saliva & epithelium  Mucin – mucus  Lysozome – many tissues & tears

9 IF A BARRIER IS BREACHED… Immune system kicks into action

10 Immune System : 2 branches

11 What happens when there’s a breach?  How would your cells recognize an invader?  PAMPs on many invaders  Receptors activate phagocytes


13 Phagocytes  Cells that engulf invaders  Common/phago053.html Common/phago053.html  Include:  Neutrophils  Macrophages  Release cytokines that enhance the immune response

14 Phagocytosis


16 Natural Killer Cells  Destroy tumor cells & cells infected with some viruses  Destroy cells by both nonspecific &specific processes  Release  Perforins  Granzymes  Causes apoptosis

17 Cytokines  Peptides/Proteins  Regulate intensity/duration of immune response  Also regulate cell growth, repair, & activation

18 Types of Cytokines:  Interferons  Tumor Necrosis Factor  Interleukins  Chemokines

19 Complement System  20+ proteins in plasma & body fluid  Inactive until exposed to antigen  Once activated  cascade reaction


21 INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE Begins immediately after invasion or injury

22 Inflammation  Cells release chemical signals  Inflammation activates the complement system  Cytokines signal WBC - chemotaxis Cytokines signal WBC  Macrophages/mast cells stationed in tissues respond  Mast cells release histamine  increased permeability of capillaries

23 3 Main processes of Inflammatory Response:  Vasodilation  Signals from mast cells  Increased capillary permeability  Volume of interstitial fluid increases  Edema  Increase in phagocytosis

24 Fever  Symptom of widespread inflammation  Increases phagocytosis  Interferes with microbial replication  Break down lysosomes – destroy cells infected with viruses  Increases action of certain lymphocytes

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