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CSIR – CROPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE In house review 2012 P.K.A. Dartey.

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Presentation on theme: "CSIR – CROPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE In house review 2012 P.K.A. Dartey."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSIR – CROPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE In house review 2012 P.K.A. Dartey

2 Objective Combine early maturity, aroma and translucency into upland varieties to enhance marketability, and incorporate RYMV & blast resistance into market-quality Jasmine85 Started May 2010 1. AGRA PASS 036: Improving yield, quality and adaptability of upland and rainfed lowland rice varieties in Ghana to reduce dependency on imported rice

3 Lowland initial yield trial SiteRegionEcology Nobewam (2 seasons)AshantiForest AframsoAshantiForest-Savannah transition LibiNorthernSavannah NyankpalaNorthernSavannah Sokode - AkrofuVoltaForest WoraworaVoltaForest 7 sites, 30 rice varieties (+1 or 2 farmer checks); 3 reps

4 AGRA Coordinators visiting IYT, Nobewam

5 Average yield from 4 sites for 30 varieties Nobewam, Aframso, Worawora & Nyankpala Data from Akrofu-Ho and Nobewam dry season being processed. SE to be obtained thereafter.

6 Susceptibility to lodging used to discriminate varieties in LAYT-1, Nobewam

7 Susceptibility to Iron toxicity used to discriminate varieties in LAYT-1, Nobewam

8 Flood tolerance used to discriminate varieties in LAYT-1, Nobewam

9 Twenty-three varieties further evaluated in Nobewam dry season. Data being processed

10 Makassane

11 Seeds of ALL lowland varieties given to GAFCO, Sogakope for field testing (after approval from PASS coordinator) Vish, GAFCO rice breeder

12 Seeds of all 30 lowland varieties further evaluated by Wilson Dogbe of SARI at Libi. Terminal drought

13 Seeds of all 30 lowland varieties also evaluated by George Acheampong at Hohoe under Rice Sector Support Project Data to be incorporated for multi-locational analyses

14 Selections are being made from over 3,000 F1, F2 and BC1F1 populations in Nobewam

15 2. Africa Rice Breeder’s Task Force Regional Trial – 100 varieties, 3 reps Data being processed

16 UPLAND 116 upland rice varieties from CRI and AfricaRice evaluated Nobewam rainy season. Data being processed

17 11 upland rice varieties also evaluated in AYT in Nobewam. Data being processed

18 11 upland rice varieties evaluated in AYT in Fumesua. Terminal drought


20 Upland Advanced Yield Trial – Nobewam dry season 22 varieties. To be harvested

21 9 lowland and 10 upland varieties evaluated for grain quality  Milling Potential Scores (MPS), Milling Yields and Milling Yield Classification  Physico-Chemical Properties: Grain dimensions, size and shape classification, chalkiness, grain hardness & gelatinisation temperature  Cooking Properties: Cooking time, swelling and water absorption ratios Varieties have low gel temp and acceptable hardness, but some are chalky Grain quality tests to be repeated 2012 GRAIN QUALITY – courtesy John Manful, AfricaRice

22 3. Public-Private Partnership for Improving Rice Productivity in Nitrogen-Deficient and Saline Environments of Sub-Saharan Africa (NEWEST RICE PROJECT) Aim: Transform Nerica4 for Nitrogen use efficiency, water use efficiency and salt tolerance Transformed Nerica 4 for NUE delivered to CIAT, Colombia, by Arcadia Biosciences, US Approval given for importation of same into Uganda CRI’s application being reviewed by IBC before submission to NBC

23 Maize variety Abontem on 13-3-12 in Nobewam. To deplete soil Nitrogen.

24 Way forward 2012 Lowland Add and process data from Nobewam dry season and Akrofu-Ho Finish processing data from ‘Makasane’ trial Process data for Africa Rice Breeder’s Task Force Trial

25 Way forward 2012 Lowland Advance IR841, Nerica L41 and NericaL42 to on-farm trials and demonstrations Sites: NobewamBeseaseHohoeWenchi Adiembra (nr Juansa)Aframso Advance selections from segregation population

26 Land for demonstration in Bomfa already prepared

27 Way forward 2012 Upland Harvest upland Advanced Yield Trial - Nobewam Process data for upland trials Conduct multi-locational and on-farm trials AdumasaHohoe Conduct grain quality analyses Advance selected segregants

28 Way forward 2012 NEWEST TRIAL Facilitate approval of CFT application by IBC and NBC Harvest maize Fence for regulatory compliance Set up CFT after NBC’s approval




32 LAYT-1 at maturity, Aframso. Floods prevented temporary access to field. Note late maturity of traditional Mr Moore variety

33 LAYT-1 at Sokode-Akrofu

34 LAYT-1 at Nyankpala





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