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Iowa gambling task (rats) anxiety and the medial prefrontal cortex de Visser, Baars, van t’ Klooster, van den Bos.

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Presentation on theme: "Iowa gambling task (rats) anxiety and the medial prefrontal cortex de Visser, Baars, van t’ Klooster, van den Bos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iowa gambling task (rats) anxiety and the medial prefrontal cortex de Visser, Baars, van t’ Klooster, van den Bos

2 Over 100 trials Net = -$2,500 Net = $2,500

3 Why would you make a disadvantageous choice? People with a “broken” medial Prefrontal Cortex (mPFC) ◦ Emotional control and conflict resolution  Decision making in short… ◦ Malfunction = bad decisions

4 mPFC In rats: mPFC involved in anxiety & decisions May be impaired in people with high anxiety

5 Things you are allowed to do with rats and not humans… Artificially deactivate mPFC ◦ Inject GABA agonists  GABA receptor A - muscimol  GABA receptor B - baclofen

6 Anxiety -Inactivation of mPFC INCREASES anxiety

7 Nothing “Good” choice “Bad” choice

8 Nothing “ Good ” choice “ Bad ” choice 3 pellets: 90% quinine 10% sucrose 1 pellets: 20% quinine 80% sucrose

9 5 days testing 2 days rest 4 days testing 1234567’8’9’ 10 trials / day 20 trials / day I.C. injection each day


11 Trials 41-60 All animals included Median = x “Good performer” = >x “Bad performer” = <x

12 ???Base line values of what??? 1.The entire population (good and bad; trial 41-60)? 2.The respective “good” and “bad” population; trial 41-60? 3.The individual only; trial 41-60?



15 Exploration Defined strategy mPFC Amygdala & ventral striatum Van Den Bos 2007 Trials 1-60Trials 61-120

16 Exploration Defined strategy mPFC Amygdala & ventral striatum

17 Inactivation of mPFC increases anxiety Increased anxiety Poor decision making ???? What is this experiment?

18 Anxiety / fear HPA axis Corticosteroids mPFC Current paper Koot poster

19 Corticosterone (stress in a needle) Susanne Koot’s poster




23 [(A*B)+(C*D)]*100 either or 100x $10050% -$250.0050% -$7,500.00 $10090% -$1,250.0010% -$3,500.00 $5050% -$250.0050% -$10,000.00 $5090% -$1,250.0010% -$8,000.00 both 100x $100100% -$250.0050% -$2,500.00 $100100% -$1,250.0010% -$2,500.00 $50100% -$50.0050% $2,500.00 $50100% -$250.0010% $2,500.00 Over 100 trials Net = -$2,500 Net = $2,500

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