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Maximizing Your Electronic Record to Improve Quality Through User Groups Jennifer NeSmith, MBA, CEO, Kentucky Health Center Network Kayla D. Rose, MA,

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Presentation on theme: "Maximizing Your Electronic Record to Improve Quality Through User Groups Jennifer NeSmith, MBA, CEO, Kentucky Health Center Network Kayla D. Rose, MA,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximizing Your Electronic Record to Improve Quality Through User Groups Jennifer NeSmith, MBA, CEO, Kentucky Health Center Network Kayla D. Rose, MA, RRT, PMP, Director of Practice Improvement Programs, KPCA Friday, April 8, 2016

2 Objectives Following the presentation, participants will be able to: Distinguish between various EHR systems Express the benefits of peer to peer partnerships in maximizing on quality incentives


4 General Types of User Groups Client/Consumer Driven Groups Pros Group is driven by Client/Consumer needs Provides opportunity to network with similar users Can centralize issues and/problem to solve problems internally (customer support calls decrease overall) Cons May lack expertise or training needed in EHR system Vendor Initiated and Supported Pros Continued opportunity to learn and influence product development Mechanism to provide continued training and industry driven Cons Vendors may have hidden agenda $ Participants may not control conversation or get direct needs met Additional support or training may require financial commitment

5 Additional Thoughts Both types of groups are an excellent resource for practices, just keep the objective of each in mind and your expectations realistic Participate in multiple groups – that’s okay!! Be willing to REALLY step back and look at your practice and how your EHR is working to effectively bring your issues to the group All friends here!! Peers are important!!


7 Things to Consider to Better Utilize EHR User Group What are good things to bring to the group?

8 Examine Work Flow Work Flow is such a BUZZ word – still super important Regardless of what you think, it’s not rocket science We aren’t requiring you to analyze your workflows. You probably already know what is causing some of your problems. Work flow analysis provides good insight into places in which your EHR “lets you down”, and those are great things to bring to the User Group Even simple work flow analysis will surprise you!

9 Workflow Analysis It can be really simple to get started, so step back from the computer, get out of the weeds and ask yourself…

10 Simply Ask These Three Key Questions Where are people struggling? Who is struggling to get work done? Who has extra time? One rule you should follow in the process is to not make assumptions. Don’t label issues you have identified as positive or negative, this often back fires.

11 Key Practice Areas for Work Flow Consideration – Ask Those Questions Patient Check In and Check Out Patient Visits Consider subdividing visit or base on type of visit ePrescribing Appointment Scheduling Laboratory Orders Consultation and Referrals generation and management Office discharge Billing

12 Have a Practice Wide Brainstorming Don’t try to figure it all out on your own Brainstorm with others in the office Your staff have often have good ideas Providers and Staff often know what is slowing them down AND often have ideas to fix it

13 Prioritize Your List Ask yourself Which issues on your list are EHR related? Are there any that are non-EHR related? In almost all cases, the issues identified are related to processes and the EHR component is a smaller part of that process. This is very applicable to the User Group.


15 Quality and IT Essential this relationship works well What about your clinic? Are you your own IT? Vendor In-house

16 KPCA/KHCN Role in EHR User Groups Determine the EHR systems Including identification of future EHR system change Facilitate User Group Meetings Conference call, webinar or in person meetings depending on group need Meeting invites, collaborate on agenda for meetings Help establish goals within each group Identify common technical assistance or resource needs Explore ways to support technical assistance needs Prioritize resources and support

17 EHR Systems in KPCA/KHCN NextGen eClinical Works Allscripts GE Centricity eMDs Medformix Greenway (success EHS and Intergy) IMS Meditab Aprima

18 Let’s Get In Our Groups!! Instruction Sheet

19 Group Report Time!!


21 Next Steps KPCA and KHCN Review feedback from each group Provide follow up to each member of group Collaboratively develop plan of action Establish Kick Off sessions Each Clinic Think further about your needs Keep us in the loop

22 Contact Information Kayla D. Rose, MA, RRT, PMP Director of Practice Improvement Programs 606.776.0884 Jennifer NeSmith, MBA CEO, Kentucky Health Center Network 859.274.7115


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